Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 197

Text: Genesis 27: 39-40


Genesis 27:39-40

39 Then Isaac his father answered and said to him:
“Behold, your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth,
And of the dew of heaven from above.
40 By your sword you shall live,
And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck.”


1. Isaac could not withdraw his blessing that had been given to Jacob

a. He was not free from blame.
b. He had shown partiality.
c. He had not consulted the LORD closely on this matter.

2. Another prayer

a. This was the same as the prayer of blessing for the firstborn son.
b. But it was a valid prayer that would be relevant to Esau.

3. Similar language

a. It was a prayer for blessing from God.
b. A blessing that would come from heaven and would result in abundance on earth

4. Additional element

a. Esau would live by the sword
b. He would have to serve his brother.
c. But one day, he would be able to break free from Jacob’s yoke.
i. He knew that Esau would be restless.
ii. He would one day be strong enough to be on his own.
He would then be free from his yoke (under the headship of Jacob.

经文:创世记 27:39-40


《创世记 27:39-40》
39 他父亲以撒说:“地上的肥土必为你所住,天上的甘露必为你所得。

40 你必倚靠刀剑度日,又必侍奉你的兄弟。到你强盛的时候,必从你颈项上挣开他的轭。”


1. 以撒无法把他所给雅各的福分撤掉

a. 他自己也有错
b. 他显现了偏见
c. 他没有为此事寻求上帝的指引

2. 另外一个祷告

a. 这个祷告和赐给长子福分的祷告是类似的
b. 但这对以扫来说是一个适当的祷告

3. 相同的语言

a. 这是一个祈求上帝赐福的祷告
b. 一个从天上赐的福分,会导致地上的丰盛

4. 附加的要素

a. 以扫必须倚靠刀剑度日
b. 他必须侍奉他的兄弟
c. 但有一天,他将可以挣开雅各的轭
i. 他知道以扫会变强盛
ii. 有一天他会变得足够强大,可以立足