Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 229

Text: Genesis 30: 27-28


Genesis 30:27-28

27 And Laban said to him, “Please stay, if I have found favor in your eyes, for I have learned by experience that the LORD has blessed me for your sake.”
28 Then he said, “Name me your wages, and I will give it.”


1. Laban’s response

a. He asked Jacob to stay on.
b. He spoke humbly to his son-in-law.

2. The words of Laban

a. He asked that Jacob would grant him this special “favour”.
b. He spoke with respect and regard.
c. Laban’s assessment:
i. This had been learned from experience.
ii. The LORD had indeed blessed Laban.
iii. He knew that the blessings were given “for Jacob’s sake”.

3. Another bargain

a. Bargaining was a common practice in the ancient days.
b. Parties would haggle till both sides were satisfied.
c. Laban had gained the upper hand the first-time round. Jacob was young and naïve then.

4. Wages

a. Jacob had offered to serve Laban for seven years for the hand of Rachel.
b. He ended up serving Laban for fourteen years instead.
c. He had worked for several more years prior to this conversation with Laban.
d. Once again, Laban asked Jacob what he thought would be his “wages” if he stayed.

经文:创世记 30:27-28


《创世记 30:27-28》



1. 拉班的反应

a. 他要求雅各留下,与他同住
b. 他谦卑地和他的女婿交谈

2. 拉班所说的话

a. 拉班请求雅各施“恩”于他
b. 拉班以恭敬和尊重的语气与雅各交谈
c. 拉班已算定:
i. 他通过经验而断定
ii. 上帝确实祝福了拉班
iii. 他知道上帝赐福于他是因为“雅各的缘故”

3. 另一个条件

a. 在古时候,讨价还价是很普遍的习俗
b. 双方会交换条件,直到他们达成协议
c. 由于之前雅各因年轻而缺少经验,拉班在协议中占了上风

4. 工价

a. 雅各为了娶拉结而主动提出服侍拉班七年
b. 但结果他却服侍了拉班十四年
c. 在与拉班商量要离开之前,他也花了几年的时间服侍拉班
d. 拉班要雅各留下,再次请他提出“工价”