Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 242

Text: Genesis 31: 29-30


Genesis 31:29-30

29 It is in my power to do you harm, but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, ‘Be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad.’
30 And now you have surely gone because you greatly long for your father’s house, but why did you steal my gods?”


1. A veiled threat from Laban

a. It was within Laban’s power to cause harm to Jacob.
b. Laban had gathered his “brethren” who could have attacked Jacob in the night.
c. Much harm could have been inflicted.

2. Remembering the warning of the LORD

a. God had appeared to Laban only the night before.
b. He had specifically warned Laban about speaking to Jacob.
c. He must not speak to Jacob of “good”.
i. God knew that Laban was capable of great deceit.
ii. What he promised may appear to be good, but they were empty words.
d. He must not speak to Jacob that which is “bad”.
i. He was not to threaten Jacob and his family.
ii. He was not to order his “brethren” to attack Jacob and his family.

3. Expressing “understanding”

a. He feigned concern about Jacob’s desire for his father’s house.
b. He expressed understanding why Jacob had planned to leave for Canaan.

4. The “gods” of Laban

a. Laban had household idols.
b. These were discovered missing as he sought to discover what Jacob had “stolen”.

经文:创世记 31:29-30


《创世记 31:29-30》



1. 拉班作出隐含的威胁

a. 拉班其实是有能力危害雅各的
b. 拉班与他的众弟兄们可在夜间袭击雅各
c. 雅各一家是可能遭到严重的伤害

2. 拉班记得上帝的警告

a. 上帝前一晚刚在梦中向拉班显现
b. 祂特别警告拉班与雅各对话时要小心
c. 他不可与雅各说“好”
i. 上帝知道拉班诡计多端
ii. 他的承诺可能动听,但却是虚空的谎言
d. 他也不可与雅各说“歹”
i. 他不准恐吓雅各一家
ii. 他不准叫他的众弟兄们伤害雅各和家人

3. 拉班假装“通情达理”

a. 他假装关心雅各对家乡的思念
b. 他表示他明白雅各为什么不得不回迦南

4. 拉班的神像

a. 拉班有家族神像
b. 当他试图查明雅各到底“偷”了什么,他发现家中的神像不见了