Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 247

Text: Genesis 31: 41-42


Genesis 31:41-42

41 Thus I have been in your house twenty years; I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times.
42 Unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God has seen my affliction and the labour of my hands, and rebuked you last night.”


1. Twenty years of very hard work

a. Fourteen years for the hands of Leah and Rachel.
b. Six years for the flocks that Jacob would make his own.

2. Changing of wages

a. Laban had changed the agreement of wages ten times.
b. This reflected on Jacob very badly.

3. The God that Jacob believed in and worshipped

a. He was called the God of Abraham.
b. He was called the Fear of Isaac.
Isaac had every reason to practise the Fear of the LORD in his life.

4. The role that God had played

a. He had been with Jacob.
b. He had obviously protected him faithfully.

5. Awareness of what Laban would have done

a. He would have sent Jacob away empty-handed.
b. His twenty years of difficult labour would have yielded nothing.

6. Reference to God’s appearance to Laban the night before

a. God was protecting Jacob.
b. He was vindicating him after having seen all his afflictions.
c. He knew that Laban had done wrong and thus He had appeared to rebuke him!

经文:创世记 31:41-42


41 我这二十年在你家里,为你的两个女儿服侍你十四年,为你的羊群服侍你六年,你又十次改了我的工价。

42 若不是我父亲以撒所敬畏的神,就是亚伯拉罕的神与我同在,你如今必定打发我空手而去。神看见我的苦情和我的劳碌,就在昨夜责备你。”


1. 二十年的艰辛工作

a. 他为娶利亚和拉结而服侍了十四年
b. 雅各为得到自己的羊群而服侍了六年

2. 改工价

a. 拉班更改了雅各的工价协议十次
b. 这对雅各有着负面的评价

3. 雅各信靠及崇拜的上帝

a. 祂是亚伯拉罕的神
b. 祂是以撒所敬畏的神

4. 上帝扮演的角色

a. 祂与雅各同在
b. 他显然忠实地保护了他

5. 知晓拉班会做的事

a. 他必定打发雅各空手而去
b. 他二十年的苦工将功亏一篑

6. 提到上帝前晚出现在拉班面前

a. 上帝在保护雅各
b. 祂看见了雅阁的苦情和劳碌后,为雅各申冤
c. 祂知道拉班犯了错,并且责备了拉班!