Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 291

Text: Genesis 37:12-14


Genesis 37: 12-14

12 Then his brothers went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem.
13 And Israel said to Joseph, “Are not your brothers feeding the flock in Shechem? Come, I will send you to them.” So he said to him, “Here I am.”
14 Then he said to him, “Please go and see if it is well with your brothers and well with the flocks, and bring back word to me.” So he sent him out of the Valley of Hebron, and he went to Shechem.


1. Pastureland in Shechem

a. The flocks of Jacob were large.
b. Thus, the sons of Jacob had to take the sheep to places far from home.
c. They would not be able to be in contact with their father easily.

2. Jacob’s concern

a. He had not heard from his sons for quite a while.
b. Joseph was not sent out with them.
c. He grew concerned when no reports were sent back to him.
They could have sent one of their servants back to give a report but they didn’t.

3. Sending Joseph out

a. Jacob decided that he would send Joseph out to see his brothers.
b. His mission was clear:
i. He would check on his brothers.
ii. He would check on the state of their flocks.
iii. He would then return with a report.

4. Joseph

a. He was sent from the Valley of Hebron to Shechem.
b. The distance was more than 80 km.

经文:创世记 37:12-14


《创世记 37:12-14》
12 约瑟的哥哥们往示剑去放他们父亲的羊。
13 以色列对约瑟说:“你哥哥们不是在示剑放羊吗?你来,我要打发你往他们那里去。”约瑟说:“我在这里。”

14 以色列说:“你去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就回来报信给我。”于是打发他出希伯仑谷,他就往示剑去了。


1. 示剑草场

a. 雅各的群羊很大
b. 因此,雅各的儿子们不得不把羊带到离家较远的地方
c. 他们将无法轻易地与父亲沟通

2. 雅各的关心

a. 他已经有一段时间没有收到儿子们的消息了
b. 约瑟没有与他们一同被打发
c. 当他没有收到报信时,他开始感到担忧

3. 打发约瑟

a. 雅各决定要打发约瑟往哥哥们那里去
b. 他的任务很明确:
i. 他去看看他哥哥们平安不平安
ii. 他去看看群羊平安不平安
iii. 然后他回来报信

4. 约瑟

a. 他被打发出希伯伦谷往示剑去
b. 距离超过80公里