Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 22

Text: Genesis 4: 9-12


Genesis 4:9-12

9 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?”
He said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
10 And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground.
11 So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.
12 When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth.”


1. God reached out to Cain “Where is Abel your brother?” Genesis 4:9a

a. God reached out to Cain.
b. His approach was kind and gracious.
c. It was natural for an older brother to look after a younger sibling.

2. Cain’s rude reply “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9b

a. Cain lied to God.
b. He knew where Abel was. He had killed his brother.
c. He was rude in his retort to God!

3. God’s justice had to be carried out

a. The blood of Abel cried out to God for justice.
b. Cain had ignored God’s counsel.
c. The sin of an unrighteous rage had overcome him.
d. In a fit of anger, Cain had slain his brother Abel.

4. God’s judgment on Cain

a. God’s curse was now on him.
b. He would be a vagabond. The earth would not yield its strength to him easily anymore!

经文:创世记 4:9-12


《创世记 4:9-12》
10 耶和华说:“你做了什么事呢?你兄弟的血有声音从地里向我哀告。

12 你种地,地不再给你效力;你必流离飘荡在地上。”


1. “耶和华对该隐说:“你兄弟亚伯在哪里?”

a. 上帝对该隐说
b. 上帝问该隐的方式是善良、富有恩典的
c. 哥哥照顾弟妹是非常自然的

2. 该隐无礼的回答 “我不知道。我岂是看守我兄弟的吗?”《创世记:4b》

a. 该隐欺骗了上帝
b. 他知道亚伯在哪里。他杀了他的兄弟。
c. 他还无礼的向上帝还口!

3. 上帝必须维持正义

a. 亚伯的血向上帝哀告
b. 该隐并没有听从上帝的训言
c. 不义的怒气克服了他
d. 一气之下,该隐杀了他的兄弟亚伯

4. 上帝对该隐的审判

a. 该隐受上帝的咒诅
b. 他会成为流浪汉
c. 当他种地,地不再给他效力