Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 349

Text: Genesis 45: 12-15


Genesis 45:12-15

12 “And behold, your eyes and the eyes of my brother Benjamin see that it is my mouth that speaks to you.
13 So you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that you have seen; and you shall hurry and bring my father down here.”
14 Then he fell on his brother Benjamin’s neck and wept, and Benjamin wept on his neck.
15 Moreover he kissed all his brothers and wept over them, and after that his brothers talked with him.


1. Possible reluctance to leave Canaan

a. Joseph knew his father well.
b. He may not fully believe his brothers.
c. He may be reluctant to leave his home in Canaan.
d. He would need an extra word of encouragement.

2. The extra word of encouragement

a. The brothers and Benjamin would bear witness that they had seen Joseph.
b. They can bear joint testimony that they had heard Joseph personally.
c. They may even tell Jacob of his “glory”.
i. There is no negative self-glory here.
ii. Joseph was not boasting. This glory that he had came from the LORD Himself.
d. The brothers must do everything possible to bring their father to Egypt.

3. A tender family reunion

a. The love between Joseph and Benjamin.
i. This was because they shared the same mother.
ii. There were hugs and tears of joy.
b. The love for the rest of the brothers.
This was genuine too. The family had put the past behind them. Family love reigned.

经文:创世记 45:12-15


《创世记 45:12-15》
12 况且你们的眼和我兄弟便雅悯的眼都看见是我亲口对你们说话。
13 你们也要将我在埃及一切的荣耀和你们所看见的事,都告诉我父亲,又要赶紧地将我父亲搬到我这里来。”
14 于是约瑟伏在他兄弟便雅悯的颈项上哭,便雅悯也在他的颈项上哭。

15 他又与众弟兄亲嘴,抱着他们哭,随后他弟兄们就和他说话。


1. 有可能不想离开迦南

a. 约瑟很了解他的父亲
b. 他有可能不完全相信他的兄弟们
c. 他有可能不愿意离开在迦南的家
d. 他需要额外的鼓励

2. 额外的鼓励

a. 兄弟和便雅悯将可以见证他们见过约瑟
b. 他们可以证实他们听见约瑟和他们亲口说话
c. 他们也可以告诉雅各关于约瑟的“荣耀”
i. 这里指的不是负面的自豪
ii. 约瑟没有自夸。这荣耀来自于上帝
d. 兄弟们要尽全力将父亲带到埃及

3. 温馨的家庭团圆

a. 约瑟和便雅悯之间的爱
i. 这是因为他们是同位母亲生的
ii. 他们抱着彼此欢喜地哭
b. 对其他兄弟的爱