Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 361

Text: Genesis 47: 15-17


Genesis 47:15-17

15 So when the money failed in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, “Give us bread, for why should we die in your presence? For the money has failed.”
16 Then Joseph said, “Give your livestock, and I will give you bread for your livestock, if the money is gone.”
17 So they brought their livestock to Joseph, and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for the horses, the flocks, the cattle of the herds, and for the donkeys. Thus he fed them with bread in exchange for all their livestock that year.


1. No more money

a. This affected Egypt.
b. It also affected Canaan.

2. The Egyptians’ plea

a. They were in danger of dying from starvation.
b. But they had no money to purchase food.
c. Was there any solution?

3. Joseph’s answer

a. Barter trade.
b. The Egyptians had a lot of livestock.
i. Horses (Egypt was famous for its strong and swift horses.)
ii. Flocks (They had some. But shepherds were despised.)
iii. Cattle (This was more popular. Egypt had large herds of cattle.)
iv. Donkeys (These were beasts of burden. They were commonplace.)
c. They could exchange livestock for bread.
i. Their livestock enabled the Egyptians to have grain for a year.
ii. They had no other options available to them.
They chose life over livelihood. Wealth was out of sight at this point of time.

经文:创世记 47:15-17


《创世记 47:15-17》
15 埃及地和迦南地的银子都花尽了,埃及众人都来见约瑟,说:“我们的银子都用尽了,求你给我们粮食,我们为什么死在你面前呢?”
16 约瑟说:“若是银子用尽了,可以把你们的牲畜给我,我就为你们的牲畜给你们粮食。”

17 于是他们把牲畜赶到约瑟那里,约瑟就拿粮食换了他们的牛、羊、驴、马。那一年因换他们一切的牲畜,就用粮食养活他们。


1. 没有银子

a. 这影响了埃及
b. 这也影响了迦南

2. 埃及人的恳求

a. 他们有死于饥饿的危险
b. 但是他们没有银子籴粮食
c. 有什么解决办法呢?

3. 约瑟的答案

a. 易货贸易
b. 埃及人有很多牲畜
i. 马匹(埃及以其强劲而迅捷的马匹而闻名。)
ii. 羊群(他们有一些。但是牧羊人被鄙视。)
iii. 牛(这些更受欢迎。埃及有大量牛群。)
iv. 驴(这些是负担的野兽。它们很普遍。)
c. 他们可以用牲畜换粮食
i. 他们的牲畜使埃及人能换足够一年的粮食
ii. 他们没有其他选择
他们选择生命超过谋生。 在这个时候,财富已经消失了。