Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 374

Text: Genesis 49: 1-2


Genesis 49:1-2

1 And Jacob called his sons and said, “Gather together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days:
2 “Gather together and hear, you sons of Jacob, And listen to Israel your father.


1. A special family gathering

a. This was the way a patriarch could call his family together.
b. The occasion was very significant.
i. Jacob knew that he was dying.
ii. He wanted to impart words of wisdom to his children.

2. Words of forewarning

a. These words were in part a forewarning concerning the future.
b. The wisdom behind these words must be discerned and obtained.
c. This was not a pronouncement of unavoidable fate.

3. “Gather together and hear… and listen”

a. These words are very similar to the way in which the Book of Proverbs was written.
b. As we read Proverbs, we can understand better how the words of wisdom are meant to be understood.
i. To hear
This is a call to pay attention.
ii. To listen
This is a call to take careful heed.

4. Israel your father

a. The sons had not always listened to their father.
b. There was now a very strong entreaty to pay close attention to the wise words that he would give to his children, for the last time.

经文:创世记 49:1-2


《创世记 49: 1-2》



1. 一次特别的家庭聚会

a. 这是族长召集家人的方式
b. 这个聚会有深刻的意义
i. 雅各知道他快死了
ii. 他想向他的孩子传授智慧的话语

2. 警告的话语

a. 这些话语在某种程度上是对未来的警告
b. 他们必须理解并领悟这些话语背后的智慧
c. 这并不是无可避免的命运的宣告

3. “你们要聚集而听,要听…”

a. 这些词与《箴言》的写作方式非常相似
b. 当我们阅读箴言时,我们可以更好地理解智慧的话语
i. 听
ii. 要听

4. 以色列-你的父亲

a. 儿子们并没有常聆听父亲的话
b. 他现在强烈的恳求儿子们要密切注意他所要给予的智慧话语