Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 121

Text: Luke 10: 3


1. The Lord Jesus gave precise and clear instructions to the Seventy.

2. Specific Instruction

a. Importance
i. To help those who are new to ministry.
ii. To offer practical advice/ guidance.
b. Insights
i. To prevent making mistakes.
ii. To prepare the heart and mind for what lay ahead.


“Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.”

Luke 10:3

1. “Go your way”

a. They must proceed.
b. They must not dawdle.

2. “Lambs among wolves”

a. The Seventy
i. They were new to this ministry.
ii. They lacked experience.
b. Imagery of Lambs
i. They were like innocent lambs.
ii. Their innocence also made them vulnerable.
iii. The 70 would have to be alert and very watchful.
c. Imagery of Wolves
i. Not all the people were like wolves.
ii. Some were as cunning as wolves.
iii. This note of caution was necessary.

3. Unafraid to serve God.

a. The heart must not be afraid:
i. Of hard work.
ii. Of hostility.
b. The Gospel
i. It is worth sharing.
ii. It is life-changing.

经文:路加福音 10:3


1. 主耶稣给了被设立的七十人准确而清楚的指示

2. 具体的指示

a. 重要性
i. 帮助那些刚开始事奉的人
ii. 提供实用的建议/指导
b. 洞察力
i. 防止犯错误
ii. 为即将所发生的在心思意念上做好准备



《路加福音 10:3》

1. “你们去吧!”

a. 他们必须继续前行
b. 他们不可拖延

2. “羊羔进入狼群”

a. 被设立的七十人
i. 他们对这份事工是新手
ii. 他们缺乏经验
b. 羊羔的意象
i. 他们就像无知的羊羔
ii. 他们的无知导致他们易受伤害
iii. 这七十人必须保持警惕并非常警醒
c. 狼的意象
i. 并非所有人都像羊羔
ii. 有些像狼一样狡猾
iii. 这警戒是必要的

3. 不惧怕事奉上帝

a. 心不可惧怕:
i. 艰辛的工作
ii. 敌意
b. 福音
i. 值得分享
ii. 它能改变生命