Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 134

Text: Luke 11: 2


1. The Request of the Disciples

a. To be taught how to pray.
b. The desire to learn how to pray.
i. Necessary
ii. Natural

2. The Response of the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. He was glad to see this desire to learn how to pray in His Disciples.
b. He gave them a “Model Prayer”.
c. This Prayer was not meant to be recited!
d. It was meant to teach them how to improve the way they prayed.

3. “Our Father in heaven” (Luke 11:2b)

a. Commencing prayer
i. All prayers are to be directed to God.
ii. He may be addressed as “Father”.
b. Praying may be likened:
i. To a child speaking to his father.
ii. We are children of God.
iii. We may address God as “Father”.
c. “Father in Heaven”
i. We may draw close to God as Father.
ii. But there must always be proper reverence.
iii. He is also God in Heaven.

4. “Hallowed be Your name” (Luke 11:2c)

a. God’s name is holy.
b. Each time we pray, we are calling on God’s name.
c. There must be a great regard for the Lord’s name.
i. We must not abuse His name.
ii. We must not take His name in vain.
d. The name of God was proclaimed by the Lord Himself.

“Now the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.’”

Exodus 34:5-7

e. God’s Name stands for:
i. Mercy
ii. Grace
iii. Longsuffering
iv. Abounding goodness
v. Truth
vi. Justice

经文:路加福音 11:2


1. 门徒们的请求

a. 被教导如何祷告
b. 想学习祷告的渴望

2. 主耶稣基督的反应

a. 祂因看到门徒们渴望学习祷告而感到开心
b. 祂给了他们一个“模范的祷告”
c. 这个祷告不是给他们背诵的!
d. 这是用来教导他们如何进步他们祷告的方式

3.“我们在天上的父”《路加福音 11:2b》

a. 祷告的开头
i. 祷告都应该指向上帝
ii. 祂可以被称为“父”
b. 祷告就如同:
i. 孩子对父亲说话
ii. 我们是上帝的子民
iii. 我们可以称上帝为“父”
i. 我们可以亲近上帝为父
ii. 但是还是要有适当的敬畏
iii. 祂也是在天上的上帝

4. “愿人都尊你的名为圣”《路加福音 11:2c》

a. 上帝的名是圣洁的
b. 每当我们祷告,我们都在呼求上帝的名
c. 必须非常尊重主的名
i. 我们不可以滥用祂的名
ii. 我们不可以妄称祂的名
d. 上帝的名是主亲自宣告的

“耶 和 华 在 云 中 降 临 , 和 摩 西 一 同 站 在 那 里 , 宣 告 耶 和 华 的 名 。耶 和 华 在 他 面 前 宣 告 说 : 耶 和 华 , 耶 和 华 , 是 有 怜 悯 有 恩 典 的 神 , 不 轻 易 发 怒 , 并 有 丰 盛 的 慈 爱 和 诚 实 ,为 千 万 人 存 留 慈 爱 , 赦 免 罪 孽 、 过 犯 , 和 罪 恶 , 万 不 以 有 罪 的 为 无 罪 , 必 追 讨 他 的 罪 , 自 父 及 子 , 直 到 三 、 四 代 。”

《出埃及记 34:5-7》

e. 上帝的名代表:
i. 怜悯
ii. 恩典
iii. 不轻易发怒
iv. 有丰盛的慈爱
v. 诚实
vi. 正义