Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 161

Text: Luke 12: 11-12


“Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Luke 12:11-12

1. The Lord Jesus warned His Disciples about possible hostility.

a. Some may be brought to the rulers of synagogues.
b. Others may be brought before magistrates.
c. Still others may be brought to “authorities”.

2. This is like a gradation of hostility.

a. Synagogue rulers
i. They have limited authority.
ii. The worst they can do is to excommunicate a person.
b. Magistrates
i. They have authority to jail people.
ii. They may even order corporal punishment.
c. Authorities
i. This could refer to kings.
ii. They may have the authority to sentence a person to death.

4. How may one face such hostilities?

a. There need not be worry or fear.
b. There is no need to know how we can answer the authorities.
c. God will be there to grant much-needed grace and strength.

5. The special work of the Holy Spirit.

a. He will do a special work in us.
b. He will teach us what to say to those who may interrogate us.
c. May we be comforted by this promise!

经文:路加福音 12:11-12



《路加福音 12:11-12》

1. 主耶稣警告祂的门徒可能存在的敌意

a. 有些人可能会被带到会堂掌管人面前
b. 其他人可能会被带到官府面前
c. 还有一些可能被带到“有权柄的人”

2. 这就像敌意的顺序

a. 会堂的掌管人
i. 他们的权力有限
ii. 他们所能做且最糟糕的事就是将一个人逐出会堂
b. 官府
i. 他们有权监禁人
ii. 他们甚至可能下令体罚
c. 有权柄的人
i. 这可以指国王们
ii. 他们可能有权判处某人死刑

3. 如何面对这种敌对行为?

a. 不必担心或恐惧
b. 无需思虑怎么回答有权柄的人
c. 上帝会在那里赐我们急需的恩典和力量

4. 圣灵的特殊工作

a. 祂会在我们心里特别地动工
b. 祂会指教我们如何答复可能审问我们的人
c. 愿我们从这个应许中得到安慰!