Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 175

Text: Luke 12: 54-56


1. The Multitudes

a. Many people came to the Lord:
i. To hear Him.
ii. To seek healing.
b. But many remained
i. Undecided.
ii. Unsure.

2. Reading of Weather Conditions

“Then He also said to the multitudes, ‘Whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming’; and so it is. And when you see the south wind blow, you say, ‘There will be hot weather’; and there is.’”

Luke 12:54-55

a. The people know how to interpret the weather.
i. If they see a cloud rising out of the west
ii. They know a shower is coming.
b. If the people
i. “See” the south wind blowing
ii. They know that the weather will be hot.


“Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time?”

Luke 12:56

1. The people see the Lord performing

a. Signs.
b. Wonders.

2. How was it that they do not know how to discern this time?

a. It was a time to respond to what the Lord was teaching.
b. It was a time to believe in Him for salvation.
c. It is hypocrisy to say that they cannot understand who the Lord Jesus is.

经文:路加福音 12:54-56


1. 众人

a. 很多人来到主面前

i. 聆听祂的教导

ii. 寻求医治

b. 但很多仍然

i. 未定

ii. 不肯定

2. 预测天气状况


《路加福音 12:54-55》

a. 这些人会解析天气

i. 如果他们看见西边起了云彩

ii. 他们就知道要下雨了

b. 如果这些人

i. “看见”起了南风

ii. 他们知道天气将要燥热



《路加福音 12:56》

1. 这些人看到主成就

a. 迹象

b. 奇迹

2. 这时他们为何不会分辨呢?

a. 是时候回应主所教导的

b. 是时候相信祂的拯救

c. 他们说不明白主耶稣是谁,这是假冒为善的