Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 176

Text: Luke 12: 57-59


1. The Lord Jesus knew what the people were like:

a. Quarrelsome
b. Hypocritical
c. Self-centred

2. He wanted them to learn basic lessons of life.

a. How to get along with each other.
b. How to live more harmoniously.


“Yes, and why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right? When you go with your adversary to the magistrate, make every effort along the way to settle with him, lest he drag you to the judge, the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. I tell you, you shall not depart from there till you have paid the very last mite.”

Luke 12:57-59

1. “Yes, and why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right?”

a. A good sense of judgment is important to cultivate.
b. Do the people really not know what is right?

2. Going to the Magistrate/ the Judge:

a. Many use the Law Courts frequently.
b. Some imagine that they will win their case.
c. The reality was that there was no guarantee of winning a case.

3. Things can turn awry.

a. The court case may not turn out favourably.
b. One may end up in jail for a debt not paid.

4. Exercising prudence:

a. To speak to each other humbly.
b. If possible, come to a conclusion that is equitable to both sides.
c. Problems may be better resolved without resorting to suing one another.

经文:路加福音 12:57-59


1. 主耶稣知道人们是什么样的:

a. 爱吵架

b. 虚伪

c. 以自我为中心

2. 祂希望他们学习基本的生活课程

a. 如何相处

b. 如何和谐地一起生活



《路加福音 12:57-59》

1. “你们又为何不自己审量什么是合理的呢?”

a. 培养良好的判断力是很重要的

b. 人们真的不知道什么是对的吗?

2. 去见官:

a. 许多人经常上法院

b. 有些人认为他们会打赢官司

c. 现实情况是不能保证一定能打赢官司

3. 事情可能会出错

a. 结果未必有利

b. 可能会因为未偿还的债务而入狱

4. 合理的审量:

a. 谦卑地互相交谈

b. 如果可能,来达到对双方都公平的评审

c. 尽量不要以诉讼的方式解决问题