Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 193

Text: Luke 14: 25-27


1. The Lord Jesus Christ was a wonderful Teacher.

a. He taught deep truths with great skill.
b. Profound truths were made understandable.
c. He supported His teaching through working mighty miracles.

2. Nevertheless, many misunderstood the Lord Jesus.

a. They could not believe that He was the Son of God.
b. They could not repent and give up their sinful ways to follow Him.
c. They found it hard to find a genuine faith in the Lord that would see them receive salvation.


“Now great multitudes went with Him. And He turned and said to them, ‘If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come
after Me cannot be My disciple.’”

Luke 14:25-27

1. There were “great multitudes” indeed.

a. They followed Him as much as they could.
b. But how were they following Him?

2. The Focus of the Lord Jesus here was to speak of “Discipleship”.

a. It begins with Faith in the Lord Jesus as Saviour.
b. It continues with Following Him as His disciples.

3. Features highlighted:

a. Avoid “wooden literalism”.
b. The word “hate” does not mean wicked or nasty feelings of hatred.
c. What the Lord does not mean when He spoke of:
i. Hating one’s family.
ii. Of course, He does not want us to literally hate them.
d. What the Lord means when He spoke of “hating”.
i. When a person believes in the Lord, he is sometimes resisted by non-believing members of the family.
ii. The believer is urged not to abandon faith in the Lord Jesus.
iii. When he stands firmly on his faith, members of the family may conclude that they are “hated” by the believer.
iv. They can become hostile to the believer.
v. When the believer stands firmly for his faith, it would appear as if he “hates his father, mother, brother or sister”.
e. Hating one’s own life.
i. Sometimes, there are sacrifices to be made.
ii. This is seen, by some, to be hating one’s own life.
iii. Martyrs for the Lord Jesus had to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their faith.
f. Bearing one’s cross to follow the Lord Jesus.
i. The Disciples of the Lord Jesus had to learn how to carry their cross.
ii. The word “cross” represents hardship and suffering.
iii. The true believer-disciple must not be afraid of any suffering that he may have to endure for the sake of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

经文:路加福音 14:25-27


1. 主耶稣基督是个美好的老师

a. 祂以高超的技巧教导深刻的真理

b. 祂深入浅出地将深奥的真理讲解出来

c. 祂行了许多神迹,证实了祂的教导

2. 然而,许多人对主耶稣还是有误解

a. 他们无法相信祂是上帝的儿子

b. 他们无法从恶性中悔改,跟随祂

c. 他们认为很难找到在主里真正的信心,并且无法接受拯救


“有极多的人和耶稣同行。他转过来对他们说:‘ 人到我这里来,若不爱我胜过爱自己的父母、妻子、儿女、弟兄、姐妹和自己的性命,就不能做我的门徒。凡不背着自己十字架跟从我的,也不能做我的门徒。’”


1. 确实“有极多的人”

a. 他们尽力跟随耶稣

b. 但他们是怎么跟随祂呢?

2. 主耶稣的焦点是“门徒训练”

a. 起点是对主耶稣,我们的救主,产生信心

b. 有了真信,我们就会跟随耶稣,做祂的门徒

3. 所强调的特征:

a. 避免太拘泥于字面上的意思

b. 我们该怎么明白“爱耶稣胜过爱”自己的家人?

c. 主耶稣并不是指:

i. 不顾家人

ii. 或是不爱,甚至讨厌家人

d. “爱我胜过爱”自己的家人的意思

i. 当一个人相信主的时候,他可能会受到不信主家人的抗拒

ii. 信徒不该因此抛弃对主耶稣的信

iii. 当信徒坚持相信耶稣,家人可能会认为信徒不爱他们

iv. 家人可能会排斥信徒

v. 当信徒的信实不被任何事物所动摇时,这将会显得他好似爱耶稣“胜过爱自己的父母、弟兄或姐妹”

e. 爱耶稣胜过爱自己的性命

i. 有时候,信徒必须做出牺牲

ii. 对某些人而言,这代表爱耶稣胜过爱自己的性命

iii. 烈士们就是为了对主耶稣的信而牺牲自己的性命

f. 背着自己十字架跟从主耶稣

i. 主耶稣的门徒必须学习背起自己十字架

ii. “十字架”意味着受苦与受难

iii. 真正相信的门徒不能害怕因对主耶稣基督的信而受的苦