Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 218

Text: Luke 17: 20-21


1. There are many aspects of the kingdom of God.

2. Many did not have a correct or clear understanding of God’s kingdom.

a. They assumed they had a good understanding.
b. Many did not even realise they had a wrong comprehension.


“Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, ‘The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.’”

Luke 17:20-21

1. The Pharisees

a. They thought very highly of themselves.
b. They believed that they had a vast amount of knowledge about God.
c. They had their own ideas about the kingdom of God.
i. They thought of it as an earthly kingdom.
ii. They saw it as a political kingdom.
d. Thus, they asked when the kingdom of God would come.
e. They knew that the Lord Jesus had been speaking about God’s kingdom.

2. The response of the Lord Jesus was very astute.

a. The Kingdom of God does not come with observation.
i. A physical kingdom is easily recognised.
ii. There would be a government.
iii. There would be an army etc.
b. It will not be easily seen or understood.
i. One cannot say “See here”.
ii. Nor can one say, “See there”.
iii. These are typical things of a physical political kingdom.
c. The Lord Jesus focused on a vital aspect of God’s kingdom.
i. This is the spiritual aspect.
ii. It involves the heart of the individual.
iii. The Kingdom of God as a truth must be within the individual.
d. The Kingdom of God was not within the hearts of the Pharisees.
i. They remained arrogant.
ii. They were still stubbornly refusing to heed the teachings of the Lord Jesus.

经文:路加福音 17:20-21


1. 上帝的国有很多方面

2. 许多人对上帝的国没有正确或清晰的了解

a. 他们自认有理解

b. 许多人甚至没有意识到他们有的是错误的理解


“法利赛人问神的国几时来到,耶稣回答说:‘神的国来到不是眼所能见的。 人也不得说‘看哪,在这里!’、‘看哪,在那里!’,因为神的国就在你们心里。’”

《路加福音 17:20-21》

1. 法利赛人

a. 他们对自己的评价很高

b. 他们相信自己对上帝有大量的知识

c. 他们对上帝的国有自己的看法

i. 他们认为上帝的国是在世上的王国

ii. 他们认为是个政治王国

d. 因此,他们问上帝的国几时来到

e. 他们知道主耶稣一直在谈论上帝的国

2. 主耶稣的反应很敏锐

a. 上帝的国不是以能被观察的方式而来的

i. 一个在世上的王国很容易认出来

ii. 它会有一个政府

iii. 会有军队等

b. 上帝的国是不容易看出来或理解的

i. 人不得说‘看哪,在这里”

ii. 也不能说“看哪,在那里”

iii. 这些是世上的政治王国的典型特征

c. 主耶稣专注于上帝的国的一个重要方面

i. 这是属灵方面

ii. 它涉及个人的心

iii. 上帝的国作为真理,必须进入个人的心里

d. 上帝的国不在法利赛人的心中

i. 他们依然傲慢自大

ii. 他们仍然顽固地拒绝听从主耶稣的教导