Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 256

Text: Luke 21: 16-19


1. Some Distress may be felt when we are persecuted.

2. Some Distress may be quite painful to experience.

“You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.

Luke 21:16-17

a. The painful part:
i. Betrayal by parents.
ii. Betrayed by family members (brothers, relatives).
iii. Friends
b. The threat of death:
i. This was a possibility that must be faced.
ii. Dying because of betrayal by family and friends is painful indeed.
c. Bearing hatred for the sake of the Lord Jesus.
i. This was a possibility.
ii. This must be accepted with faith and courage.


“But not a hair of your head shall be lost. By your patience possess your souls.”

Luke 21:18-19

1. We will have to exercise great faith in the Lord’s Protection.

a. God will protect us fully.
b. If it is within His will to live and serve.
c. But if it is not His will to live we must still remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ!

2. We must learn to have two important qualities.

a. To have a persevering spirit or soul.
b. To have a great sense of faith and strength to be able to suffer for the Lord.

经文:路加福音 21:16-19


1. 受压迫的时候我们可能会感到一些苦恼

2. 有些苦恼可能会给我们相当痛苦的经历

“连你们的父母、弟兄、亲族、朋友也要把你们交官,你们也有被他们害死的。 你们要为我的名被众人恨恶”

《路加福音 21:16-17》

a. 痛苦的部分:

i. 父母的背叛

ii. 被家庭成员(弟兄、亲族)背叛

iii. 朋友

b. 死亡的威胁:

i. 这是一个必须面对的可能性

ii. 因家人和朋友的背叛而死,确实很痛苦

c. 为了主耶稣承受被众人恨恶

i. 这是一种可能性

ii. 必须以信心和勇气接受这一点


“然而,你们连一根头发也必不损坏。 你们常存忍耐,就必保全灵魂。”

《路加福音 21:18-19》

1. 我们必须对主的保护充满极大的信心

a. 上帝会完全地保护我们

b. 如果活着和侍奉是上帝的旨意

c. 但若这不是上帝的旨意,我们仍然要忠于主耶稣基督!

2. 我们必须学会拥有两个重要的品质

a. 拥有坚忍不拔的精神或灵

b. 拥有极大的信心和力量,以能够为主受苦