Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 266

Text: Luke 22: 14-16


1. The arrangements had been looked into.

a. The Passover Meal would be in the home of an undisclosed but faithful follower.
b. He would be the host for the Lord Jesus and his Disciples.
c. But he would not be there personally.

2. The Commencement of the Passover meal.

“When the hour had come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him. Then He said to them, ‘With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I say to you, I will no longer eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.’”

Luke 22:14-16

a. “The hour had come”
i. This Passover Meal was celebrated earlier than the usual hour for most families.
ii. It was nevertheless the Passover Meal.
iii. There was much to teach the Disciples that night.
b. In attendance
i. All the Twelve Apostles were there.
ii. What a privilege to be there with the Lord Jesus!

3. Poignant words of the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. “The Passover Meal”
i. The Lord had looked forward to this last Passover Meal with His Apostles.
ii. This would be His last meal with all of them before His suffering.
iii. The Lord Jesus cherished this time with His Apostles, His spiritual family.
b. “Until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God”
i. A deep thought was spoken here.
ii. There were many things not yet fulfilled.

经文:路加福音 22:14-16


1. 筹备过程已做安排

a. 逾越节的筵席将会在一位未公开身份,但富有信实的跟随者家中

b. 他将是招待主耶稣和祂的门徒的主人

c. 但他却不会亲自到场

2. 逾越节筵席的开始


《路加福音 22:14-16》

a. “时候到了”

i. 这逾越节的筵席比大多其他家庭来得早开始

ii. 尽管如此,这仍然是逾越节的筵席

iii. 那晚有很多必须教导门徒的

b. 出席者

i. 十二门徒都在场

ii. 能与主耶稣同在是何等的荣幸!

3. 主耶稣基督辛酸的话

a. “逾越节的筵席”

i. 主期待与祂的使徒们共进这最后的逾越节筵席

ii. 这将是祂在受害以前与他们的最后一餐

iii. 主耶稣非常珍惜与使徒们,祂的属灵家庭,一起的这段时间

b. “直到成就在神的国里”

i. 在这里说出了一个深刻的想法

ii. 有许多还未应验的事