Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 292

Text: Luke 23: 26-27


1. The trial of the Lord Jesus did not last very long. The full procedure of the Law was not properly followed.

2. The verdict was given. Pontius Pilate had condemned an innocent Man to death.


“Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus.And a great multitude of the people followed Him, and women who also mourned and lamented Him.”

Luke 23:26-27

1. As they led Him away.

a. The Lord Jesus was escorted by Roman soldiers.
b. The Lord was supposed to bear His own cross if He could.

2. Simon a Cyrenian

a. Simon was from the land of Cyrene, Libya.
b. He was most likely in Jerusalem for the Passover.
c. He was forced to carry the cross of the Lord Jesus.
d. He would carry His cross till they reached Golgotha (the place of execution).

3. A great multitude followed.

a. The Members of the Sanhedrin Council would be part of this multitude.
b. There would also be pilgrims like Simon of Cyrene.
c. There would be faithful followers of the Lord Jesus.
d. There would be passers-by who would follow any procession.

4. Women followers

a. Amidst all the people, a single group of people was mentioned.
b. These were women-followers.
i. They lamented.
ii. They mourned.
c. The identity of these women.
i. No details were given about this group of women.
ii. But they stood in obvious contrast to the hard-hearted accusers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
iii. Their hearts wept as they saw the Lord Jesus being escorted to Mount Calvary where He would be crucified.

经文:路加福音 23:26-27


1. 主耶稣的审判并没有持续很久。他们并没有适当地遵守完整的法律程序。

2. 判决已作出。本丢.彼拉多判了一个无罪的人死刑。



《路加福音 23:26-27》

1. 带祂去的时候

a. 主耶稣被罗马兵丁护送

b. 主耶稣本来必须自己背祂的十字架

2. 西门,一个古利奈人

a. 西门来自利比亚的古利奈

b. 他很可能是到耶路撒冷过逾越节

c. 他被迫替主耶稣背祂的十字架

d. 他替祂背十字架,一直到各各他(被处死的地方)

3. 许多百姓跟随

a. 公会的成员也是这群人的一部分

b. 也有像古利奈人西门的朝圣者

c. 也有忠心跟随主耶稣的人

d. 也有会跟随任何游行的路人

4. 妇女

a. 在所有人当中,有一组人特别被提到

b. 她们是妇女

i. 她们号啕

ii. 她们痛哭

c. 妇女的身份

i. 没有提供这些妇女的任何资料

ii. 但是她们与那些指控主耶稣的铁石心肠的众人形成了明显的对比

iii. 她们因看到主耶稣被护送到髑髅山被钉十字架而哭泣