Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 293

Text: Luke 23: 28-31


1. The Lord Jesus had experienced much humiliation and suffering.

a. From the high priest and the Council Members.
b. From Pontius Pilate.
c. From King Herod Antipas.

2. Nevertheless, He paused to speak to the women who mourned His fate.

“But Jesus, turning to them, said, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts which never nursed!’ Then they will begin ‘to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?’’”

Luke 23:28-31

a. He addressed the women tenderly.
b. He called them “Daughters of Jerusalem”.
c. He sought to give them a word of comfort.
i. They need not shed tears for Him.
ii. Their tears ought to be for themselves and their children.


1. The Lord Jesus foretold what would happen before too long

a. “The days are coming”.
b. He was speaking about the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.

2. The cries of those who would suffer.

a. Women would envy those who never gave birth.
b. The women who never nursed children.
c. Few things are as terrible as children die before their parents.

3. The lament of the stricken.

a. To be crushed by mountains and hills.
b. That would be a terrible way to die.
c. But to die at the hands of the Romans would be far worse!

4. The view of the Lord Jesus:

a. He was like the green word.
i. Fresh and innocent.
ii. But He was now facing death in the prime of His life.
b. The dry wood:
i. This describes the enemies of the Lord Jesus.
ii. They were truly spiritually dry and barren!
iii. Their fate would be terrible indeed!

经文:路加福音 23:28-31


1. 主耶稣已承受了极大的屈辱和苦难

a. 来自大祭司和公会成员
b. 来自本丢.彼拉多
c. 来自希律.安提帕王

2. 然而,祂还是停下来和这些因祂而号啕的妇女说话

“耶稣转身对她们说:‘耶路撒冷的女子,不要为我哭,当为自己和自己的儿女哭。 因为日子要到,人必说:‘不生育的和未曾怀胎的、未曾乳养婴孩的有福了!’那时,人要向大山说‘倒在我们身上!’,向小山说‘遮盖我们!’。这些事既行在有汁水的树上,那枯干的树将来怎么样呢?’”

《路加福音 23:28-31》

a. 祂很和蔼地对她们说话
b. 祂称她们为“耶路撒冷的女子”
c. 祂试图给他们安慰的话
i. 她们不需要为祂流泪
ii. 她们的眼泪应该为自己和自己的儿女流


1. 主耶稣预言不久后会发生的事

a. “日子要到”
b. 祂指的是耶路撒冷在公元70年的毁灭

2. 受苦的人的哭泣

a. 妇女会嫉妒那些未曾怀胎的
b. 没有乳养婴孩的
c. 很少事比孩子先于父母死去更可怕

3. 受难者的悲叹

a. 被大山和小山压垮
b. 这会是一个可怕的死法
c. 但是死在罗马人的手中更糟糕!

4. 主耶稣的看法

a. 祂像是有汁水的树
i. 鲜润和无罪
ii. 但却在祂黄金时期面临死亡
b. 枯干的树:
i. 这指的是主耶稣的仇敌
ii. 他们在属灵上是干枯贫瘠的!
iii. 他们的命运的确是很可怕的!