Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 29

Text: Luke 3:7-9


1. Many came to hear John preaching about the remission of sins

a. There were some who were genuine in repentance.
b. There were also those who were not genuine.

2. John firmly spoke to those whom he knew were not genuine

a. He spoke to them candidly.
b. He called them “Brood of vipers” (Luke 3:7a)
They were compared to deadly snakes.
c. “Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Luke 3:7b)
John did not believe they were genuine.

3. “Fruits worthy of repentance” (Luke 3:8a.

a. If they were truly repentant.
b. They must show proof of repentance (fruits).
c. Words of repentance may not be genuine.

4. “We have Abraham as our father” (Luke 3:8b)

a. Many took pride in their Jewish ancestry.
b. They thought that they had a good standing with God if they were of Jewish blood.
c. They were wrong!

5. “God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones” (Luke 3:8c)

a. Faith should be in God and not Abraham.
b. If God wanted to, He could raise up children to Abraham from stones.
i. John was highlighting the greatness of God’s power.
ii. He was not saying that God would do this.
iii. These people had a mistaken faith.
iv. They need to check their faith in God.

6. “The axe is laid to the root of the trees” (Luke 3:9a)

a. In those days when woodcutters plan to cut a tree down, they would lay an axe at the root of the trees.
b. John warned the people of judgment to come.
c. The cutting down of trees is a judgment from God.

7. “Every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Luke 3:9b)

a. The illustration is that of an orchard of fruit trees.
b. Trees were grown to bear good fruit.
c. Trees that never bear good fruit were deemed to be bad trees.
d. They are ear-marked to be chopped down.
e. The lives of some of these people (“brood of vipers”) were really wicked.
f. They would face judgment from God if they did not genuinely repent.

经文:路加福音 3:7-9


1. 许多众人来听约翰宣讲罪的赦免

a. 有些人是真心悔改的
b. 也有些人是非真心的

2. 约翰坚定地对那些他知道不真心悔改的人说话

a. 他坦率地对他们说话
b. 他称他们为“毒蛇的种类”《路加福音 3:7a》
c. “谁指示你们逃避将来的愤怒呢?” 《路加福音 3:7》

3. “要结出果子来” 《路加福音 3:8》

a. 如果他们真的悔改了
b. 他们必须表现出悔改的证据(果子)
c. 光说悔改的话不表示他们真心悔改

4. “有亚伯拉罕为我们的祖宗” 《路加福音 3:8b》

a. 许多人因自己有犹太人的血统而感到自豪
b. 他们认为如果自己有犹太人的血统,在上帝面前就有很好的地位
c. 他们错了!

5. “神能从这些石头中给亚伯拉罕兴起子孙来” 《路加福音 3:8c》

a. 信实应该因上帝而不是因亚伯拉罕
b. 如果上帝愿意,可以从石头中给亚伯拉罕兴起子孙
i. 约翰强调了上帝的大能
ii. 他并不是说上帝会这样做
iii. 这些人有错误的信仰
iv. 他们需要查验自己对上帝的信实

6. “现在斧子已经放在树根上” 《路加福音 3:9a》

a. 当时,如果樵夫计划砍树, 他们会在这树根上放一把斧头
b. 约翰警告人们即将来临的审判
c. 砍伐树木是上帝的审判

7. “凡不结好果子的树就砍下来,丢在火里” 《路加福音 3:9b》

a. 这个比喻是指一个果园
b. 树应结出好果子
c. 结不出好果子的树被认为是坏树
d. 它们会被标记并被砍伐
e. 其中一些人(“毒蛇的种类”)的生活真的很邪恶
f. 如果他们不真心悔改,他们将面临来自上帝的审判