Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 50

Text: Luke 5: 12-16


1. This was a terrifying disease.

2. Medical knowledge was very limited then.

3. To many, to contract leprosy is to suffer “a living death”.


1. Lepers were not allowed in society.

2. They have to live in a Lepers Colony till they die.

3. They are ostracised:

a. From their family.
b. From the synagogue/ temple.
c. In fact, from the public.

4. If lepers have to be in public for whatever reason:

a. They have to shout “Unclean, Unclean”.
b. They may be stoned otherwise.


1. He was described as “full of leprosy” (Luke 5:12a).

2. He probably heard of how the Lord had healed people.

3. He took a huge risk by approaching the Lord Jesus in public.

a. “He fell on his face”
b. “He implored Him” (Luke 5:12b)

4. He spoke to the Lord:

a. “Lord, if you are willing”
b. “You can make me clean” (Luke 5:12c)

5. The leper had faith in the Lord.

a. That He had the power to heal.
b. He was not certain if the Lord would be willing.
i. He was humble.
ii. He felt unworthy to receive anything.
iii. But he had no doubts that the Lord Jesus could heal him.

6. The Compassionate response of the Lord Jesus:

a. “I am willing”
b. “Be cleansed” (Luke 5:13a.
c. Immediately, the leper was healed (Luke 5:13b).

7. The Command of the Lord Jesus:

a. The cleansed leper must tell no one.
b. He must fulfil all that the Mosaic law required.
i. He must show himself to a priest.
ii. He must give an offering of thanksgiving.
iii. This would be a testimony to all concerned.
iv. This was required, “just as Moses commanded”. (Luke 5:14)

8. Failure in the keeping of this commandment.

a. News about the healing of the leper spread far and wide.
b. Great multitudes sought out the Lord Jesus.
i. To hear Him preach/ teach.
ii. To be healed of their infirmities. (Luke 5:15)

9. Withdrawing into the wilderness

a. This was practised consistently.
b. This was time out for prayer. (Luke 5:16)
i. Prayer was not taken for granted.
ii. Prayer was where the Lord Jesus spoke to His Father in heaven.
iii. Prayer always brought wonderful sense of renewal to the heart and soul.

经文:路加福音 5:12-16


1. 这是个非常可怕的病

2. 当时的医学认识不多

3. 对很多人来说,得了大麻风是生不如死


1. 大麻风病人不能够生活在社会中

2. 他们必须生活在大麻风的群体直到他们身亡为止

3. 他们被排斥:

a. 家人
b. 会堂/殿
c. 公众

4. 若大麻风病人因什么原因需要到公共场合:

a. 他们得喊:“不洁净!不洁净!”
b. 若不这么做,他们就会被石头打死


1. 他被描述为“满身长了大麻风”《路加福音 5:12a》

2. 他可能听说主耶稣医治了人

3. 他冒着大险在公共场合来到主耶稣前

a. “俯伏在地”
b. “求他”《路加福音 5:12b》

4. 他对主耶稣说:

a. “主若肯”
b. “必能叫我洁净了”《路加福音 5:12c》

5. 那位大麻风病人对主耶稣有信心

a. 相信祂有医治的能力
b. 但他不确定主耶稣是否愿意医治他
i. 他很谦虚
ii. 他觉得自己不配得到任何东西
iii. 但他没有怀疑主耶稣可以医治他

6. 主耶稣慈爱的回复

a. “我肯”
b. “你洁净了吧”《路加福音 5:13a》
c. 他马上被医治《路加福音 5:13b》

7. 主耶稣的指示:

a. 被洁净的大麻风病人不可告诉人
b. 他得实现摩西律法所规定的
c. 他需要把身体给察司查看
d. 他得献上感恩的礼物
e. 这是对众人做的证据
f. 这是“摩西所吩咐的”《路加福音 5:14》

8. 无法完成主耶稣所吩咐的

a. 大麻风病人被医治的消息远近闻名
b. 许多人前来找主耶稣
i. 听祂讲道
ii. 让祂医治他们的病痛 《路加福音 5:15》

9. 退到旷野去

a. 主耶稣时常会这么做
b. 这是祷告的时间《路加福音 5:16》
i. 祷告是不能被当成理所当然的
ii. 主耶稣通过祷告和天父沟通
iii. 祷告会带给心中与心灵美好的更新