Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 51

Text: Luke 5: 17-20


1. Two significant features

a. The teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 5:17).
i. This was refreshingly different.
ii. He taught with obvious authority.
iii. Many were drawn to His teaching.
b. The power of the Lord:
i. The power of God was with the Lord Jesus.
ii. There was power to heal all who came to Him (Luke 5:15).

2. Drawing attention from the religious leaders

a. The Pharisees formed a religious sect.
i. They were traditionalists.
ii. They sought to keep all the religious customs.
b. The teachers of the law:
i. Some of them were called “scribes”.
ii. Some others were called “teachers of the law” (Luke 5:17).
c. They came from every town of Galilee.
i. They wanted to hear the Lord Jesus for themselves.
ii. They wanted to check what the Lord taught.
iii. They saw themselves as protectors of the laws of Moses.

3. The expected response of the Lord Jesus

a. The Lord Jesus saw more than the paralytic lowered from the roof.
b. He saw the faith of the four friends.
i. Their faith caused them to bring the paralytic to the Lord Jesus.
ii. Their faith caused them to do something most unusual.
To lower their friend through the roof top!

4. The Unexpected Response of the Lord

a. He spoke to the paralytic.
b. He did not address the problem of his illness.
c. Instead, He addressed the problem of sin.
“Man, your sins are forgiven you.” Luke 5:20
d. This response was totally unexpected:
i. He had not taken this approach before.
ii. The man and his friends had only hoped the Lord Jesus would heal him.
e. But this was well within the scope of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ!

经文:路加福音 5:17-20


1. 两个重要的特征

a. 主耶稣的教训《路加福音 5:17》
i. 令人耳目一新, 并且特殊

ii. 祂的教训显然有权威

iii. 很多人都被祂的教训吸引

b. 主耶稣的全能
i. 上帝的全能与主耶稣同在

ii. 祂有能力医治寻祂的人《路加福音 5:15》

2. 引起宗教领袖的注意

a. 法利赛人属于一个宗教派别
i. 他们是传统主义者
ii. 他们力图保持所有的宗教习俗
b. 教法师
i. 有些称为“文士”
ii. 其他的称为“教法师”《路加福音 5:17》
c. 他们来自加利利的每个城镇
i. 他们要亲自聆听主耶稣的教训
ii. 他们要查证主耶稣的教训
iii. 他们视自己为摩西律法的守护者

3. 主耶稣在意料之内的回应

a. 主耶稣所看到的不仅是从屋顶下来的瘫子
b. 祂看到他的四个朋友的信心
i. 他们的信心使他们把瘫子带到主耶稣
ii. 他们的信心使他们做那么不寻常的事

4. 主耶稣出乎意料的回应

a. 祂与瘫子说话
b. 祂没有提到他的病情
c. 祂反而提到罪的问题
d. 这回应实在是出乎意料
i. 祂从没有使用这样的途径
ii. 瘫子和他的朋友只求主耶稣医治
e. 但这完全是在主耶稣事工的范围内!