Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 52

Text: Luke 5: 21-26


1. The scribes and Pharisees reacted negatively to what the Lord Jesus said

2. Their reaction was in their thoughts

a. “The Pharisees began to reason” (Luke 5:21a)
i. This is a thought process.
ii. Reason is conducted in the mind.
b. What they heard was questioned immediately.

3. Content of their thoughts

a. “Who is this who speaks blasphemies?” (Luke 5:21b)
b. “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” (Luke 5:21c)


1. The Lord Jesus perceived their thoughts (Luke 5:22a)

a. This should have astonished them.
b. Who but God can perceive thoughts?

2. Appealing to “Reasoning”

a. Which is easier?
i. “Your sins are forgiven you”
ii. “Rise up and walk” (Luke 5:23)
b. The answer
i. Neither is easier.
ii. It will take power and authority to do either.
iii. Without power or authority, both would be impossible.


1. To give greater knowledge

a. “But that you may know” (Luke 5:24a.
b. “That the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins” (Luke 5:24b)

2. Inadequate knowledge

a. The scribes and Pharisees regarded the Lord Jesus as an ordinary person.
b. They were wrong!
c. He is the Son of Man with power to forgive sins (Luke 5:24b)

3. Demonstrating Power

a. There was power in the words spoken by the Lord Jesus.
i. Power to forgive sins.
ii. Power to heal.
b. The powerful word of the Lord Jesus:
“I say to you, arise, take up your bed and go to your house.” Luke 5:24c

4. Positive Response of the paralytic

a. “Immediately, he rose up before them” (Luke 5:25a.
b. “Took up what he had been lying on” (Luke 5:25b.
c. “And departed to his own house, glorifying God” (Luke 5:25c)

5. General response

a. The crowd
i. Amazement was felt by all (Luke 5:26a).
ii. Filled with fear.
iii. Awe and Wonder were felt.
“We have seen strange things today!” Luke 5:26b
b. Scribes and Pharisees
i. There was silence.
ii. They had no answer to the word of the Lord.

经文:路加福音 5:21-26


1. 文士和法利赛人对主耶稣所说的有负面的反应

2. 他们的反应显示了他们的想法

a. “法利赛人就议论”《路加福音 5:21a》
i. 这是一个思考的过程

ii. 他们在脑海里的思考理性

b. 他们立刻质问他们所听到的

3. 他们思考的内容

a. “这说僭妄话的是谁?” 《路加福音 5:21b》

b. “除了神以外,谁能赦罪呢?” 《路加福音 5:21c》


1. 主耶稣知道他们所议论的《路加福音 5:22a》

a. 这应该令他们感到惊讶
b. 除了上帝,谁能知道他们的想法?

2. 呼吁他们的“推理”

a. 哪一样比较容易?
i. “你的罪赦了”
ii. “你起来行走”《路加福音 5:23》
b. 答案
i. 两则都不容易
ii. 任何一样都需要有权柄和权威
iii. 若没有权柄或权威,两则都不可能完成


1. 提供更多知识

a. “但要叫你们知道”《路加福音 5:24a》
b. “人子在地上有赦罪的权柄”《路加福音 5:24b》

2. 不足的知识

a. 文士和法利赛人都视主耶稣为普通人
b. 他们错了!
c. 祂是有权柄赦免罪的人子《路加福音 5:24b》

3. 展示权柄

a. 主耶稣说的话是有权柄的
i. 权柄赦免罪
ii. 权柄医治
b. 主耶稣说的有权柄的话
“我吩咐你,起来,拿你的褥子回家去吧!”《路加福音 5:24c》

4. 瘫子正面的回应

a. “当众人面前立刻起来”《路加福音 5:25a》
b. “拿着他所躺卧的褥子” 《路加福音 5:25b》
c. “回家去,归荣耀于神” 《路加福音 5:25c》

5. 一般的反应

a. 众人
i. 大家都感到惊讶《路加福音 5:26a》
ii. 满心惧怕
iii. 感到敬畏和惊奇
“我们今日看见非常的事了!”《路加福音 5:26b》

b. 文士和法利赛人
i. 他们一片寂静
ii. 他们没法回答主耶稣所说的