Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 54

Text: Luke 5: 30-32


1. The first complaint

a. That the Lord Jesus could say that He forgave sins.
b. To the scribes and Pharisees, this was blasphemy (Luke 5:21).

2. The second complaint

a. That the Lord Jesus ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners (Luke 5:30).
b. The scribes and Pharisees spoke to the Disciples instead of the Lord Jesus.

3. The scribes and Pharisees

a. Their practice of faith.
i. They despised sinful people.
ii. They listed people who are tax collectors as sinful people.
iii. They would never eat and drink with them.
b. They would go against those who do not do what they do.
i. They would complain.
ii. They would hold this against the Lord Jesus.

4. The Reply of the Lord Jesus

a. He replied by giving them an analogy.
i. Those who are well. They do not need a physician (Luke 5:31a).
ii. Those who are sick. They need a physician to help them (Luke 5:31b).
b. His Mission on earth.
i. What He did not come to do.
He did not come to call the righteous.
ii. What He came to do.
He had come to call the sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32).
c. This is consistent with what He said earlier (Luke 4:18-19).

5. Calling Sinners

a. To repent and receive salvation.
b. To return to God.
c. To live righteously.
d. To follow Him.

This call was issued to Levi Matthew and he had responded well!

经文:路加福音 5:30-32


1. 第一个投诉

a. 主耶稣说自己能赦免罪
b. 对文士和法利赛人,这是僭妄话《路加福音 5:21》

2. 第二个投诉

a. 主耶稣和税史及罪人一同吃喝《路加福音 5:30》
b. 文士和法利赛人是对门徒说,而不是主耶稣

3. 文士和法利赛人

a. 他们的信仰的作为
i. 他们鄙视有罪的人
ii. 他们把税史列为有罪的人
iii. 他们不会与他们吃喝
b. 他们会反对那些不随从他们的行为的人
i. 他们会投诉
ii. 他们会责怪主耶稣

4. 主耶稣的回应

a. 他使用一个类比来回应
i. 无病的人。他们不需要医生《路加福音 5:31a》
ii. 有病的人。他们需要医生来帮助他们《路加福音 5:31b》
b. 祂在世上的使命
i. 祂来不是为了
ii. 召义人悔改
iii. 祂来是为了
iv. 召罪人悔改《路加福音 5:32》
c. 这和祂以前所说的一致《路加福音 4:18-19》

5. 召罪人

a. 悔改并得到救赎
b. 回到上帝
c. 正直地生活
d. 跟从祂
