Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 55

Text: Luke 5: 33-35


1. There were religious practices commanded by God

a. Worship on the Sabbath.
b. Keeping of Three special Feasts in Jerusalem:
i. Passover/ Unleavened Bread
ii. Tabernacles/ Firstfruits
iii. Pentecost/ Harvest
c. Fasting on the Day of Atonement:
i. To express sorrow and repentance.
ii. To confess sins and offer grateful worship.

2. The Focus on Fasting

a. This was not required except for one day fasting on the Day of Atonement.
b. The Practice of fasting and prayer:
i. By the Disciples of John (Luke 5:33)
ii. By the disciples of the Pharisees (Luke 5:33b)
c. This was personal.
i. This was NOT required by the Lord.
ii. Personal practice is not the same as a religious requirement.

3. The Pharisees

a. They queried the Lord Jesus as to why He had not taught fasting to His disciples (Luke 5:33).
b. What they had noted.
i. They ate and drank.
ii. They were following the Lord Jesus.
iii. They were criticising the Lord in the way He was training His disciples.

4. The reply of the Lord Jesus

a. An analogy of a Bridegroom and his friends (Luke 5:34).
i. Can the Bridegroom and his friends fast?
ii. The obvious answer is “NO!”
b. Meaning of this Analogy
i. The Lord Jesus’ Presence is like that of a Bridegroom.
ii. There should be great rejoicing at His presence.
iii. Hence, no fasting.
iv. The Lord Jesus sought to explain why He did not teach about fasting.
v. He had not added to the law that God had given.
c. One day, the Bridegroom will be taken away.
i. This was a veiled reference to His death.
ii. The Disciples would be very sad.
iii. They would then fast.

经文:路加福音 5:33-35


1. 上帝所吩咐的宗教习俗

a. 在安息日崇拜
b. 在耶路撒冷守三个重要的节期:
i. 逾越节、无酵饼
ii. 帐幕、初熟的果子
iii. 五旬节、收获
c. 在赎罪日禁食
i. 表示忏悔和悔改
ii. 认罪并献上感恩的崇拜

2. 禁食的重点

a. 除了赎罪日,禁食不是必须的
b. 禁食和祷告的习俗:
i. 约翰的门徒《路加福音 5:33》
ii. 法利赛人的门徒《路加福音 5:33b》
c. 这是个人的
i. 这不是上帝所需的
ii. 自己的习俗和宗教习俗并不一样

3. 法利赛人

a. 他们问主耶稣为何没有教祂的门徒禁食《路加福音 5:33》
b. 他们看到
i. 他们吃喝
ii. 他们跟从主耶稣
iii. 他们批评主耶稣教训门徒的方式

4. 主耶稣的回应

a. 新郎和陪伴之人的类比《路加福音 5:34》
i. 新郎和陪伴之人可以禁食吗?
ii. 答案明显是“不可以!”
b. 类比的意思
i. 主耶稣的存在就像新郎
ii. 大家应该因祂的同在而极大地喜乐
iii. 因此,不该禁食
iv. 主耶稣试图解释自己没有教关于禁食的原因
v. 祂没有增添上帝设的律法
c. 有一天,新郎离开
i. 这是对祂的死隐晦提及
ii. 门徒会很难过
iii. 他们那时就会禁食