Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 57

Text: Luke 6: 1-5


1. This was a Law that God gave (Exodus 6:2)

a. It was a good law.
b. It protected workers from being overworked.
c. It was meant to be set aside for the worship of God.

2. A Law that was abused

a. The scribes and Pharisees added to this law.
b. There was a long list of things that were forbidden.
i. No work
ii. No healing (This was classified as “work”)


1. The Lord Jesus and His Disciples passed through a grainfield (Luke 6:1)

2. The Disciples were hungry

a. They plucked the heads of the grain.
b. They gave it a rub.
c. They ate.

3. Some of the Pharisees observed this incident

a. They approach the Disciples.
b. These were the words spoken to them.
“Why are you doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath?”
Luke 6:2
c. To the Pharisees
i. The Disciples were guilty of working
ii. Plucking
iii. Rubbing
iv. These were activities associated with harvesting.

4. The defence of the Lord Jesus Christ

a. The Disciples were not able to answer the Pharisees.
b. The Lord Jesus defended them.
c. This was the way the Lord cared for His Disciples.
He was their Teacher and Shepherd.

5. Citing the Example of David (1 Samuel 21)

a. He was hungry.
b. The priest Ahimelech gave David “holy bread”.
i. This was called “the Showbread”.
ii. It was baked weekly and presented to God in the Tabernacle.
iii. Only priests were allowed to eat this bread.
c. David received this bread.
d. He also shared the bread with those who were with him (Luke 6:3-4).
e. He did not suffer any penalty though the bread was restricted to the priests.
f. The Disciples were not breaking the Sabbath law at all.
g. They could not be penalised.

6. An important truth proclaimed

“The Son of Man is also the Lord of the Sabbath.”
Luke 6:5
a. He was the Son of Man (The Messiah).
b. He was Lord.
c. His lordship covered the Sabbath.
d. He was also Lord of the Sabbath.
e. He proclaimed with all authority that the Disciples had not broken the Sabbath.

经文:路加福音 6:1-5


1. 这是上帝所设的律法《出埃及记 6:2》

a. 这是一条很好的律法
b. 它确保工人不会过度操劳
c. 这日是用来敬拜上帝的

2. 被滥用的律法

a. 文士和法利赛人加重了这条律法
b. 他们加了一连串被禁止的事件
i. 不得工作
ii. 不得治愈(这被归类为“工”)


1. 主耶稣和门徒从麦地经过《路加福音 6:1》

2. 门徒饿了

a. 他们掐了麦穗
b. 用手搓着摘了麦子的头
c. 把它吃了

3. 一些法利赛人看到了他们的动作

a. 他们来到门徒前
b. 说了这些话
c. 对法利赛人来说
i. 门徒做了不可做的“工”
ii. 掐
iii. 搓
iv. 这些是跟收割有关的工作

4. 主耶稣基督的辩护

a. 门徒无法回答法利赛人的问题
b. 主耶稣为他们辩护
c. 这是主照顾门徒的方式

5. 主耶稣以大卫为例《撒母耳记上 21》

a. 大卫饿了
b. 祭司亚希米勒给大卫“圣饼”
i. 这称为“陈设饼”
ii. 每周烤一次,并在会帐幕中献给上帝
iii. 只有祭司才可以吃这饼
c. 大卫收到了这饼
d. 分给跟从他的人吃 《路加福音 6:3-4》
e. 饼虽然仅限于祭司吃,但大卫并没有受到任何的惩罚
f. 门徒根本没有违反安息日的律法
g. 他们不会受到任何的惩罚

6. 宣告一个重要的真理

“人子是安息日的主” 路加福音《6:5》
a. 祂是人子(弥赛亚)
b. 祂是主
c. 祂的主权涵盖了安息日
d. 祂也是安息日的主
e. 祂以所有权威宣布门徒并没有违反安息日