Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Text: Luke 6: 20
1. These would be The Twelve (Luke 6:13b).
2. These would also include others (Luke 6:13a).
1. Common Understanding
Many associate God’s blessings:
a. Blessing of health
b. Blessing of wealth
c. Blessing of happiness
2. A Different Understanding taught
The Disciples were taught a far deeper truth.
“Blessed are you poor,
For yours is the kingdom of God.”
Luke 6:20
a. Becoming Disciples of the Lord Jesus:
i. All Twelve of them had to give up their jobs to follow the Lord.
ii. They had become “poor”.
iii. They would not have a steady and certain income.
b. “Blessed”
i. Nevertheless, the Lord said that they were blessed!
ii. How could this be true?
c. “Yours is the kingdom of God”
i. Through faith, they had become children of God.
ii. They had entered into the kingdom of God
iii. This is a glorious blessing.
This was a very new and wonderful truth to ponder over!