Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 63

Text: Luke 6: 22-23


1. The Lord’s teaching about blessings was very deep.

a. It was different from the usual way of understanding blessings.
i. Many think of blessings in terms of wealth.
ii. In terms of having plenty to eat and drink.
iii. In terms of happiness.
b. The Lord taught that one is still very blessed:
i. If one becomes poor because of following the Lord.
ii. If one goes hungry, because of following Him.
iii. If one weeps for the moment, because of following Him.


1. The Lord Jesus gave a clear word of warning about persecution

a. Being hated
b. Being excluded
c. Being reviled
d. Being cast out as evil
These could be experienced, if they continued to be Disciples of the Lord Jesus!

2. The enemies of the Lord Jesus

a. They would attack the Disciples.
b. They would persecute them mercilessly.

3. The Response of brave and faithful Disciples

a. They may rejoice.
b. They may “leap for joy”.

4. How is this possible?

a. They would have a “great reward” awaiting them in heaven.
b. God would be pleased that they are prepared to suffer for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.
c. They would not suffer in vain

5. A special sense of identification

a. The prophets of God in the past also suffered much for their faith and ministry
b. The Disciples who are prepared to suffer would be honoured as the prophets of God were honoured.

经文:路加福音 6:22-23


1. 主对于祝福的教导是非常深奥的

a. 这与一般对祝福的理解方式不同
i. 许多人认为祝福就是拥有财富
ii. 在吃饱喝足方面
iii. 在幸福方面
b. 上帝教导说,一个人仍然非常有福:
i. 如果那人因为跟随主而变得贫穷
ii. 如果那人因为跟随主而挨饿
iii. 如果那人因为跟随主而暂时哀哭


1. 主耶稣对逼迫有明确的警告

a. 被恨恶
b. 被拒绝
c. 被辱骂
d. 被弃掉名字以为是恶

2. 主耶稣的仇敌

a. 他们会攻击门徒
b. 他们会无情地逼迫他们

3. 勇敢与忠心的门徒的反应

a. 他们可以欢喜
b. 他们可能“欢喜跳跃”

4. 这怎么可能?

a. “大的赏赐”在天国等着他们
b. 他们准备为主耶稣基督受苦,上帝会感到喜悦
c. 他们不会白白受苦

5. 特殊的认同感

a. 过去上帝的先知们也因他们的信实和事工而受尽苦
b. 准备受苦的门徒会像上帝的先知一样得到荣耀