Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 68

Text: Luke 6: 37


1. The teaching of the Lord Jesus on “Judging” has often been misunderstood.

2. Let us seek to understand what He meant when He said, “Judge not!”

3. The Context is always most important:

a. He warned against judging people wrongly.
b. Wrong ways of Judging:
i. Prejudicial thinking.
ii. Preconceived evil intentions.
iii. Injustice against the innocent.
iv. Easy condemnation of people

4. The teaching of the Lord Jesus.

“Judge not, and you shall not be judged.
Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.”
Luke 6:37a

a. The word “judge” is linked with “condemn”.
b. This was what the Lord Jesus was against.
i. People pass judgment to condemn others.
ii. If we are going to judge and condemn others; people can do likewise! We will end up being judged and condemned!

5. Can Judgment be made at all?

a. Yes!
b. A clear statement on the matter of judging.

“Do not judge according to appearance,
but judged with righteous judgment.”
John 7:24

6. Forgiveness

a. When people judge and condemn quickly, they leave no room for forgiveness.
b. The Lord Jesus sought to teach people how to be forgiving.
c. As we graciously forgive others, so would we receive forgiveness!

经文:路加福音 6:37


1. 主耶稣关于“论断”的教导经常被误解

2. 让我们了解祂说,“不要论断人!”的意思

3. 语境是最重要的:

a. 祂警告不要错误地论断人

b. 错误的论断方式:

i. 富有偏见的想法

ii. 先入为主的邪恶意图

iii. 对无辜者不公正

iv. 轻易地定人的罪

4. 主耶稣基督的教导



a. “论断”一词与“定人的罪”相关联

b. 这是主耶稣所不同意的

i. 为了定人的罪而论断别人

ii. 若我们要论断和定他人的罪;他人也同样可以这么做!我们最终也会遭遇论断和被定罪!

5. 可以做任何的论断吗?

a. 可以!

b. 有关于论断人明确的陈述



6. 饶恕

a. 当一个人很快地论断而定他人的罪时,就没有饶恕的余地

b. 主耶稣教导人如何饶恕别人

c. 当我们满有仁慈地饶恕人时,就必蒙饶恕!