Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 85

Text: Luke 8: 9-10


1. The Multitude

a. General
b. Some came with special needs:
i. Seeking healing
ii. Seeking exorcism

2. The religious leaders

a. Scribes
b. Chief priests
c. Pharisees
d. Sadducees

3. The Disciples

a. The Twelve
b. The women Disciples (Luke 8:2-3)
c. Other Disciples


1. The Disciples
a. They were the ones who came to the Lord Jesus.
b. They came seeking further understanding.
“What does this parable mean?”
Luke 8:9
i. They did not take for granted that they understood.
ii. They expressed humility in asking to be taught further.

2. The Commendation of the Lord Jesus

a. He distinguished between
i. The Disciples
ii. The Multitude/ the religious leaders.
b. The blessing of those who seek to know (The Disciples).
i. Given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
ii. The kingdom of God is not an easy truth to understand.
iii. The hidden things were called “mysteries”.
iv. These truths would be revealed and taught to the Disciples.
v. To be able to understand the teachings of the Lord is a very great blessing in itself.
c. The Multitude
i. They will see the miracles of the Lord Jesus, but they would not be able to appreciate what they were seeing.
ii. They will hear the teachings of the Lord Jesus, but they will not understand what He was teaching.
d. The religious teachers
i. They fall under the category of the multitudes.
ii. They cannot understand the mysteries of God also.

经文:路加福音 8:9-10


1. 众人

a. 一般的
b. 有些有特别需要:
i. 寻求医治
ii. 寻求驱邪

2. 宗教领袖

a. 文士
b. 祭司长
c. 法利赛人
d. 撒都该人

3. 门徒们

a. 十二门徒
b. 妇女门徒 《路加福音 8:2-3》
c. 其他的门徒


1. 门徒们

a. 他们前来找主耶稣
b. 他们寻求的是更深层的理解
“这比喻是什么意思呢?”《路基福音 8:9》
i. 他们没有把自己的理解当成是理所当然的
ii. 他们通过寻求被进一步教导来显现谦卑

2. 主耶稣的称赞

a. 祂区分了:
i. 门徒
ii. 众人/宗教领袖
b. 寻求理解的祝福(门徒们)
i. 神国的奥秘只叫他们知道
ii. 神国不是一个容易理解的真理
iii. 被隐藏的事叫做“奥秘”
iv. 这些真理会被显现及授教给门徒们
v. 能够理解主耶稣的教导是极大的祝福
c. 众人
i. 他们会看见主耶稣的神迹,但不会理解所见的
ii. 他们会听见主耶稣的教导,但不会理解祂所教的
d. 宗教领袖
i. 他们属于众人的类别
ii. 他们也不能够理解上帝的奥秘