Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 103

Text: Luke 9: 18-20


1. Taking time out for prayer.

a. This was a constant for the Lord Jesus:
i. At His baptism (Luke 3:21).
ii. In the Wilderness (Luke 4:1-13).
He fasted (and this always goes with prayer).
iii. Before He chose The Twelve, He spent a whole night in prayer (Luke 6:12).
b. Praying alone
i. The Lord Jesus was praying alone (Luke 9:18a).
ii. His Disciples were not very prayerful at this stage.

2. Talking to His disciples.

a. He asked them what people were saying about who He was.
“Who do the crowds say that I am?”
Luke 9:18b
b. The replies:
i. “John the Baptiser” (Luke 9:19a)
ii. “One of the old prophets has risen again” (Luke 9:19b)

3. The belief of the Disciples.

a. What did they believe?
“But who do you say that I am?”
Luke 9:20a
b. Peter answered:
“The Christ of God.”
Luke 9:20b
i. There were many prophecies concerning the Messiah.
ii. The Lord Jesus had fulfilled one prophecy after another.
iii. But the crowds had not discerned who He really was.
iv. Thankfully, the Disciples recognised Him as the Christ of God.

经文:路加福音 9:18-20


1. 抽出时间祷告

a. 这是主耶稣的常态:
i. 在祂受洗时 《路加福音 3:21》
ii. 在旷野《路加福音 4:1-13》他禁食(这总是伴随着祷告)
iii. 在祂选择十二们徒之前,他整夜祷告 《路加福音 6:12》
b. 独自祷告
i. 主耶稣独自祷告《路加福音 9:18a》
ii. 门徒在这个阶段不是很虔诚祷告

2. 与祂的门徒交谈

a. 祂问门徒众人说祂是谁
“众人说我是谁?”《路加福音 9:19b》
b. 答复:
i. “施洗的约翰” 《路加福音 9:19a》
ii. “古时的一个先知又活了” 《路加福音 9:19b》

3. 门徒的信仰

a. 他们相信什么?
“你们说我是谁?”《路加福音 9:20a》
b. 彼得回答:
“是神所立的基督。”《路加福音 9:20b》
i. 有许多关于弥赛亚的预言
ii. 主耶稣应验了一个又一个的预言
iii. 但是众人并没有认出祂到底是谁
iv. 还好,门徒们承认祂是上帝所立的基督