Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 108

Text: Luke 9: 32-33


1. The Lord Jesus had brought 3 Disciples with Him.

2. It was such a privilege to be so specially chosen.

a. Chosen out of the Multitudes to form The Twelve.
b. Chosen out of The Twelve to become “The Three”.

3. But they were not able to stay awake with the Lord Jesus.

4. The contrast was stark and obvious.

a. The Lord Jesus
“As He prayed…” Luke 9:29
b. The Three
“But Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep” Luke 9:32a


1. The Three became awake when Moses and Elijah were departing (Luke 9:32b).

“And when they were fully awake, they saw His glory
and the two men who stood with Him.” Luke 9:32c

a. They missed so much.
b. They saw only the end part of the Transfiguration.
i. They saw the glory of the Lord Jesus.
ii. They saw the two men who were standing with Him.

2. Peter blurted out these words to the Lord Jesus

a. “Master, it is good for us to be here” (Luke 9:33a)
b. “And let us make three tabernacles;
One for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” (Luke 9:33b)

3. Did Peter really understand what he was actually saying?

The answer: “Not knowing what he said” (Luke 9:33c).

经文:路加福音 9:32-33


1. 主耶稣带了三个门徒与祂同行

2. 能够被拣选是何等的荣幸

a. 从众多人中拣选出组成十二
b. 从十二人中拣选出组成三

3. 但他们却无法与主耶稣保持清醒

4. 这对比鲜明

a. 主耶稣
“正祷告的时候。。。” 《路加福音 9:29》
b. 三个使徒
“彼得和他的同伴都打盹” 《路加福音 9:32a》


1. 摩西与以利亚正要和耶稣分离的时候,三个使徒终于清醒了《路加福音 9:32b》

“既清醒了,就看见耶稣的荣光,并同他站着的那两个人” 《路加福音 9:32c》

a. 他们错过了很多
b. 他们只看到了变形结束的部分
i. 他们看见主耶稣的荣光
ii. 他们也看见同祂站着的那两个人

2. 彼得脱口而出,对主耶稣说了这些话

a. “夫子,我们在这里真好!” 《路加福音 9:33a》
b. “可以搭三座棚:一座为你,一座为摩西,一座为以利亚。” 《路加福音 9:33b》

3. 彼得真的明白自己在说什么吗?

答案是:“他却不知道所说的是什么” 《路加福音 9:33c》