Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 99

Text: Luke 9: 7-9


1. This Herod was the son of the Herod who tried to kill Baby Jesus.

2. He was called a Tetrarch.

a. Herod divided his kingdom into four parts.
b. This son inherited one fourth of the kingdom.
c. He was called Herod Antipas.
d. He was as wicked and cruel as his father.

3. He had received reports about the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. What He had done (Luke 9:7a).
i. His miracles
ii. His powers
b. Different views were being circulated:
i. That the Lord Jesus was John who was resurrected (Luke 9:7b)
ii. That He was Elijah the prophet.
iii. That He was one of the prophets of old.
iv. Herod Antipas was half Jew and half Idumean.

4. Herod’s perplexity

a. He was not sure what to make out of all the reports given to him.
i. As king of Galilee and Perea, he would of course receive reports.
ii. Perea was towards the South of Galilee and East of the River Jordan.
iii. There were some cities there (Gadara was one of the cities).
b. He knew that he had John executed (Luke 9:9a).
i. He did not think this view was true.
ii. He sought to see the Lord Jesus for himself (Luke 9:9b).

经文:路加福音 9:7-9


1. 这个希律,是当年试图杀死婴孩耶稣的希律王的儿子,他也名希律

2. 他是分封的王

a. 希律将他的王国分为四部分
b. 这个儿子继承了王国的四分之一
c. 他名为希律安提帕
d. 他和他父亲一样邪恶和残忍

3. 他听见耶稣所做的一切事

a. 祂的作为
i. 祂的神迹
ii. 祂的权力
b. 当时也流传着有关耶稣的不同观点:
i. 有人说祂是约翰从死里复活《路加福音9:9b》
ii. 又有人说是以利亚显现
iii. 还有人说是古时的一个先知又活了
iv. 希律安提帕是半犹太人半以土买人

4. 希律的困惑

a. 他游移不定,不知如何分析他所收到的情报
i. 身为加利利和比利亚的王,他当然会收到报告
ii. 比利亚指的是加利利以南和约旦河以东的地方
iii. 那里有一些城市(加大拉是其中之一)
b. 他知道他已经处决了约翰《路加福音9:9a》
i. 他认为这观点是不正确的
ii. 他想要亲自去见主耶稣 《路加福音9:9b》