Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Text: Colossians 1: 11
“Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy.”
Colossians 1:11
1. The strength that God has already given to all mankind.
a. This may be called “natural strength”.
b. It is strength that everyone may experience.
i. Growing Strength as a child.
ii. More developed strength as an adult.
iii. This strength may wane as one reaches old age.
2. The strength that Paul was praying for in this context.
a. This strength goes beyond the “natural strength”.
b. It is described as “all might”.
i. We may experience greater strength.
ii. This strength may exceed our expectations.
c. This strength is not confined to “physical strength”.
3. A further explanation.
a. It is strength associated with God’s power.
b. And divine power is indeed “glorious”.
i. It is strength that God gives in answer to prayer.
ii. It is strength that obviously comes from God.
iii. We recognize that such strength is not found inside us.
4. For what purpose if this special strength is given?
a. Firstly, it has to do with “patience”.
i. This word includes the nuance of “perseverance”.
ii. It also includes the nuance of “endurance”.
iii. This special strength given by God enables us to hold fast to our faith strongly.
b. Secondly, it has to do with how we cope amidst living in a stressful world.
i. We will find strength that will help us to be “longsuffering”.
ii. We can endure patiently even if we are under hardship.
iii. We may endure with joy in our hearts.
iv. This is truly the kind of strength we can have from the Lord.
经文:歌罗西书 1
《歌罗西书 1:11》