Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Text: Colossians 1: 13-14
“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”
Colossians 1:13-14
1. We often take our salvation for granted.
2. Paul sought to present salvation from a fresh perspective.
1. We were in darkness.
2. In fact, we were under the power of darkness.
a. This is another way of saying that we were in the kingdom of darkness.
b. And the ruler of the kingdom of darkness is none other than Satan.
c. All who have not received salvation are under the power of darkness.
1. The Lord Jesus has delivered us from the power of darkness.
a. The Lord Jesus cast out demons who had possessed people.
b. He delivered them from the power of darkness.
c. In similar fashion, God has delivered us from the power of the Devil.
d. We may not have been possessed by demons, but we still need to be delivered from the power of darkness.
e. Thank God that we are delivered from the power of the evil one.
2. God has also conveyed us into His kingdom.
a. God loved His only-begotten Son.
b. He called His kingdom “the kingdom of the Son of His love”.
c. Through salvation
i. We are taken out of the kingdom of darkness.
ii. We are conveyed into the kingdom of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
iii. We must treasure this great and wonderful truth.
3. What about all our sins?
a. We have redemption given to us.
b. We were sold to sin but we have been bought by the Lord.
c. We become His redeemed people.
d. And all our sins have been completely forgiven.
e. The cost of our redemption is very high.
f. The Lord Jesus had to shed His blood to grant us redemption!
g. We must never allow our hearts to take our Saviour and our salvation for granted.
经文:歌罗西书 1
《歌罗西书 1:13-14》