Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 4

Text: Galatians 1: 13-17


“For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.”

Galatians 1:13-17

1. A candid confession from Paul about his past.

a. Paul recalled his “former conduct”.
i. He persecuted the church of God beyond measure.
ii. He tried to destroy it.
b. His life as a believer in Judaism.
i. He was extremely zealous.
ii. He advanced beyond his contemporaries in his standing in society.

2. The conversion of Saul recalled.

a. God gave Saul salvation despite his many sins.
b. The Lord also called him to be His servant.
c. This was done “by revelation”.
i. The Lord Jesus was revealed to him on the road to Damascus.
ii. More revelations would be given till his life reflected the Lord in his life.

3. The immediate response of Paul.

a. He did not confer with flesh and blood.
b. He did not go to Jerusalem to talk to the Apostles there.

4. Subsequent movements:

a. Paul went to Arabia.
b. He then returned to Damascus.

5. An important note:

a. The Book of Acts does not give us a detailed list of Paul’s movements after his conversion experience.
b. This text in Galatians gives us a more complete picture of Paul’s activities.
c. This was shared to dispel the following speculations:
i. That Paul learned about the Lord and the Gospel from the Apostles in Jerusalem.
ii. That Paul’s knowledge came from human sources.
d. These speculations caused some to doubt Paul as a true apostle.
e. They also affected the way they listened and responded to Paul’s preaching/ teaching of the Gospel.

我夜间的歌曲: 重要教义 – 救恩

经文:加拉太书 1

你们听见我从前在犹太教中所行的事,怎样极力逼迫、残害神的教会, 我又在犹太教中,比我本国许多同岁的人更有长进,为我祖宗的遗传更加热心。 然而,那把我从母腹里分别出来,又施恩召我的神, 既然乐意将他儿子启示在我心里,叫我把他传在外邦人中,我就没有与属血气的人商量, 也没有上耶路撒冷去见那些比我先做使徒的,唯独往阿拉伯去,后又回到大马士革。

《加拉太书 1:13-17》

1. 保罗坦诚地承认他的过去

a. 保罗回忆起他“从前所行的事”

i. 他对上帝的教会造成了极大的迫害

ii. 他试图摧毁教会

b. 他生于犹太教中

i. 他非常热心

ii. 比许多同岁的人更有长进

2. 扫罗悔改的回顾

a. 尽管扫罗犯了许多罪,但上帝还是拯救了他

b. 主也召他做上帝的仆人

c. 这是通过“启示”

i. 主耶稣在大马士革路上给他启示

ii. 他将会得到更多的启示, 直到主体现在他的生命里

3. 保罗即刻的反应

a. 他没有与属血气的人商量

b. 也没有上耶路撒冷去见那些比他先做使徒的

4. 后续的动向

a. 保罗去了阿拉伯

b. 他回到大马士革


a. 使徒行传没有给我们详细列出保罗在信主之后的动向

b. 加拉太书的这段经文让我们更全面地了解保罗的动向

c. 分享此内容是为了消除以下的猜测:

i. 保罗是从耶路撒冷的使徒那里得知了主和福音

ii. 保罗的知识来自人

d. 这些推测使一些人怀疑保罗是否是个真正的使徒

e. 这些推测也影响了他们如何聆听和回应保罗所传的福音和教导