Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 23

Text: Colossians 2:12


“Buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”

Colossians 2:12


1. Our identification with the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. We are totally identified with the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. We are even spiritually circumcised in His circumcision.

2. Extension of our identification of our faith in the Lord.

a. We are identified with Him in His death.
b. We are also identified with Him in His burial.
c. We have died:
i. To our sins.
ii. To our flesh.
iii. To the world.

3. An example of how identification works.

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Galatians 2:20

a. The Lord Jesus was crucified.
b. Paul identified with the Lord Jesus as expressed in this text.

4. Another extension of our identification with the Lord Jesus.

a. God raised the Lord Jesus from the dead.
b. It requires great divine power to do this.
c. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is something we can identify with too.
d. We are raised:
i. To a newness of life.
ii. To a life that can experience the reality of God’s power.
iii. We do not need to live in weakness anymore.

5. What do we need to do to apply what we read in this text?

a. We need to apply our faith in God.
b. As God raised the Lord Jesus from the dead, we must believe that He can and will enable us to experience His life-changing power.

经文:歌罗西书 2


《歌罗西书 2:12》


1. 我们与主耶稣基督的认同

a. 我们完全地与主耶稣基督认同

b. 我们甚至在祂的割礼中,受了属灵里的割礼

2. 扩展了我们因信与主耶稣基督的联合

a. 我们在祂的死与祂认同

b. 我们也在祂的埋葬与祂认同

c. 我们:

i. 在罪上死了

ii. 在肉体上死了

iii. 在世界上死了

3. 这认同感如何运行的一个例子


《加拉太书 2:20》

a. 主耶稣钉死在十字架

b. 就如这段经文所表达的,保罗与主耶稣认同

4. 另外扩展我们与主耶稣的认同感

a. 上帝把主耶稣从死里复活

b. 这需要极大的神圣功能

c. 主耶稣的复活也是一件我们能够认同的事

d. 我们从死里复活:

i. 得到新生命

ii. 得到一个能够体验上帝大能的真实性的生命

iii. 我们不需要活在软弱中

5. 我们该怎样应用在这经文所阅读的?

a. 我们需要应用对上帝的信心

b. 就如上帝把耶稣从死里复活,我们也当相信祂能够并会让我们体验这改变生命的大能