Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 25

Text: Colossians 2: 14


‘Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.”

Colossians 2:14


1. The death of the Lord Jesus Christ has great significance:

a. Historically
i. That the Lord Jesus died on a cross is a historical fact.
ii. This is not a myth or a legend.
b. Personally
i. This is a deeply moving truth.
ii. That the Lord Jesus would die to save us from the penalty of sin.
c. Theologically
i. There are many deep and profound truths that must be carefully studied.
ii. Paul brings out some of these theological truths here.

2. The handwriting of requirements.

a. The laws of old were hand-written.
b. God’s commandments were all hand-written.
c. These laws were broken by mankind.
d. Paul’s description of the laws of God.
i. These laws went against us.
ii. They were contrary to us.
e. These laws would exact a great penalty.

3. What God did.

a. He wiped out all the laws against us.
b. We are fully pardoned from all:
i. Our sins.
ii. Our trespasses.
iii. Our transgressions.
iv. Our iniquities.

4. He has nailed all these laws on the cross.

a. When the Lord Jesus was nailed on the cross.
The requirements of the law that were contrary to us were nailed too!
b. He has taken away all the demands and the penalty of the law!
We cannot hope to keep all the laws! Nobody can!
c. Thank God for this glorious act of grace and mercy!

经文:歌罗西书 2


《歌罗西书 2:14》


1. 主耶稣基督的死有重大的意义

a. 从历史的角度

i. 主耶稣死在十字架上是一个历史事实

ii. 这并不是神话或传说

b. 从个人的角度

i. 这是一个感人至深的真理

ii. 主耶稣为救我们脱离罪的刑罚而死

c. 从神学的角度

i. 有许多深奥的真理,必须细细研读

ii. 保罗在这里提出了一些神学真理

2. 在律例上所写的字据

a. 古老的律法都是手写的

b. 上帝的诫命都是手写的

c. 人类违反了这些律法

d. 保罗对上帝律法的描述

i. 这律例攻击我们

ii. 碍于我们

e. 这些律法将造成严厉惩罚

3. 上帝的作为

a. 祂涂抹了一切攻击我们的律法

b. 我们完全被赦免:

i. 我们的罪过

ii. 我们的过犯

iii. 我们的过错

iv. 我们的罪孽

4. 祂把这一切的律法钉在十字架上

a. 当主耶稣被钉在十字架上


b. 祂除去了法律所有的要求和惩罚!


c. 感谢上帝这荣耀的恩典与怜悯!