Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)

My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Day 12

Text: Galatians 2: 16


“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.”

Galatians 2:16


1. The Apostle Paul carefully chose the word “Justification” to describe “Salvation”.

2. What is the meaning of the word “Justification?”

a. It comes from the word “righteous”.
b. To be justified means “to be declared righteous by God”.

3. What does it mean to be declared righteous?

a. It does not mean that we are actually righteous.
i. We are sinners.
ii. We have committed sins.
iii. We are in fact “unrighteous”.
b. It means:
i. God has pardoned us from all our sins.
ii. Our sins have been forgiven.
iii. God imputes the righteousness of the Lord Jesus to us.
iv. In God’s sight, we are deemed to be righteous.

4. Justification cannot be earned:

a. By keeping the Law.
b. By trying to be good (we will never succeed in our attempts).
c. No one will ever be justified by the works of the Law.

5. The teaching of the false teachers.

a. They were teaching people that they must keep the Law.
b. They must live as the Jews lived.
c. Then, would they have justification from God.

6. Justification is a special act of God.

a. Paul highlights this truth.
b. Justification is given by God when a person believes (has faith. in the Lord Jesus Christ.
c. It cannot be achieved by the keeping of the LAW.

7. A brief testimony:

a. Paul declared that he and his fellow-Apostles are justified because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
b. Peter may have lapsed because of his fear of the visiting Jews from Jerusalem.
c. But essentially, Peter and Paul agree on this doctrine of justification.
i. To have salvation means we have justification given to us by God.
ii. We stand before God as people who are declared righteous because of the Lord Jesus Christ who made this possible.

我夜间的歌曲:重要教义 – 救恩
经文:加拉太书 2:16


《加拉太书 2:16》


1. 使徒保罗仔选用“称义”这字眼来形容“救恩”

2. “称义”的意思十什么

a. 这词来自“正义”

b. “称义”表示“被上帝称为正义”

3. “被上帝称为正义”又表示什么?

a. 这并不表示我们确实是正义的

i. 我们是罪人

ii. 我们犯了罪恶

iii. 我们其实“不正义”

b. 但它表示:

i. 上帝已赦免了我们所有的罪孽

ii. 我们的罪恶已被饶恕

iii. 上帝将主耶稣的义称为我们的义

iv. 因此,在上帝眼中,我们是正义的

4. 称义是不能赚取的

a. 不能通过遵守律法

b. 也不能以自己的力量行善(无论怎样尝试,都不能称义)

c. 无人能通过遵守律法来称义

5. 假师傅的假教义

a. 这些假师傅教导人们必须遵守律法

b. 他们说信徒必须跟随犹太人的生活方式

c. 他们说这样做才能被上帝称义

6. 称义是上帝的特别之举

a. 保罗强调这真理

b. 唯有相信主耶稣基督,才能在上帝面前称义

c. 这是不能通过遵守律法

7. 简略的见证

a. 保罗宣称自己与其他使徒们的义是因为他们对主耶稣基督的信

b. 彼得的失误可能是因为一时害怕耶路撒冷来的犹太人

c. 彼得与保罗都同意这因信称义的教义

i. 得到救恩表示上帝已经称我们为义

ii. 我们在上帝面前称义,完全是因为主耶稣基督的牺牲