Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Vital Doctrines)
Text: Galatians 5: 11-12
“And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased. I could wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves off!”
Galatians 5:11-12
1. The rite of circumcision:
a. This was a central idea strenuously taught by the false teachers.
b. But this was just the tip of the iceberg.
c. There were many hidden teachings that they had not shown to the prospective new members they wanted to recruit to join them.
2. “If I still preach circumcision”
a. What did Paul mean by this statement?
b. Paul’s personal life:
i. Paul was a Jew.
ii. Obviously, he was circumcised on the 8th day as all male babies would be.
c. Paul’s stance about circumcision:
i. He was not against Jewish boys being circumcised.
ii. He would not try and dissuade any Jew from practising circumcision.
iii. He was not advocating the abolishment of circumcision.
d. What he was against:
i. That all Gentiles must be circumcised.
ii. That circumcision is necessary for salvation.
iii. That Gentiles must adopt Jewish ways and traditions.
3. Paul continued to suffer persecution:
a. Though he did not actively attack the rite of circumcision.
b. Though he proclaimed nothing but Scriptural teachings.
c. He was suffering from persecution because the persecutors were vengeful and wicked.
d. Why should the Galatians follow people who cause suffering to others?
4. Paul’s personal wish:
a. That the persecutors would be dealt with summarily.
b. That these wicked persecutors would be cut off by the Lord.
c. There is a bit of a hint of anger with these false teachers.
d. There is also a hint of an imprecatory element in this statement.
经文:加拉太书 5
《加拉太书 5:11-12》