Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 204

The Powerful Ministry of Jesus

Text: John 11: 37


Jesus had taught extensively on many subjects, covering vital doctrines:

1. About God as Father

a. His love.
b. His offer of eternal life.
c. His Kingdom.
d. His blessings.

2. About faith

a. Faith in Him as the Son of God.
b. Faith in Him as the Christ, the Anointed One of God.

3. Many demonstrations of His great power

a. He cast out demons (Mark 1:21-28).
b. He healed so many (Matthew 4:23-25).
c. He even raised the dead.
i) The daughter of Jairus (Matthew 9:18-26).
ii) The son of a widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-17).


Despite the fact that Jesus taught so well and ministered so mightily, many had limited comprehension of who He really was. Most had but a little faith in Him.

“And some of them said, ‘Could not this Man, who opened the eyes of the blind, also have kept this man from dying?’”

John 11:37

1. “And some of them said”

a. This group of people were mourning with Martha and Mary.
b. They too had heard or even seen how Jesus performed mighty miracles.
c. They voiced out their opinion collectively.

2. “Could not this Man, who opened the eyes of the blind, also have kept this man from dying”

a. They viewed Jesus as simply a Man and no more.
b. He might have been a great Teacher and Healer, but still only a Man.

3. This remark represented

a. Little comprehension of the full identity of Jesus.
b. It also represented very little faith in Him!

经文:约翰福音 11:37



1. 关于上帝为天父

a. 祂的爱
b. 祂所给予的永生
c. 祂的天国
d. 祂的赐福

2. 关于信心

a. 信祂是上帝的儿子
b. 信祂是基督,是上帝的受膏者

3. 多次展现祂伟大的大能

a. 祂赶鬼《马可福音 1:21-28》
b. 祂医治了许多人《马太福音 4:23-25》
c. 祂甚至叫死人复活
i. 睚鲁的女儿《马太福音 9:18-26》
ii. 拿因城里寡妇的儿子《路加福音 7:11-17》




《约翰福音 11:37》

1. “其中有人说”

a. 这群人与马大和马利亚一同哀悼
b. 他们听过甚至看过耶稣如何施行伟大的神迹
c. 他们集体表达了他们的意见

2. “他既然开了瞎子的眼睛,岂不能叫这人不死吗?”

a. 他们只把耶稣视为一个人
b. 对他们来说,祂也许是一位伟大的教师和治愈者,但仍然只是一个人

3. 这句话代表了

a. 他们对耶稣的完整身份的理解有限
b. 他们对祂的信心很小!