Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 211

The Religion of Israel

Text: John 11: 49-50


God was the One who gave to Israel their religion. The following tenets were to be borne in mind.

1. They would worship God alone.

2. They would worship in:

a. A Tabernacle (a temporary structure was constructed in the days of Moses; Exodus 25-31)
b. A Temple (a permanent structure that was constructed in the days of King Solomon; 2 Chronicles 1-7)

3. The Family of Levi

a. Some of them would be priests. One of them would become the High Priest.
The family of Aaron was blessed with being called “priests”.
b. The other members of Levi’s family would be called “Levites”. They would assist the priests in the Tabernacle or Temple worship.

4. Israel was given the Scriptures

a. These were written by Moses, scribes and prophets.
b. These would teach the people how to relate to God in obedience.


The High Priest in the days of Jesus did not come from the family line of Aaron. They were appointed to their office with the approval of the Roman emperor.

“And one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest that year, said to them, ‘You know nothing at all, nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish.”

John 11:49-50

1. “Caiaphas, being high priest that year”

a. He was fulfilling his role as the head of the Jewish faith.
b. His evaluation of how to deal with Jesus was different.

2. His words to the priests was not gentle

a. “You know nothing at all”
b. He felt that the chief priests were not coming up with good answers (John 11:47-48).
c. He suggested that it was necessary for Jesus to die for the people.
d. Than the whole nation of Israel should perish if the Romans decided to attack them.
e. These words were said because they feared that Jesus would lead an uprising against Rome; and thus, the Romans would retaliate and destroy their nation.

经文:约翰福音 11:49-50



1. 他们只会崇拜上帝

2. 他们会在以下的地点崇拜上帝:

a. 帐幕里 (摩西时期所建的一座临时建筑;《出埃及记 25-31》)
b. 殿里 (所罗门王时期所见的永久建筑;《历代志下 1-7》)

3. 利未家族

a. 利未家族当中有些会是察司。其中一位会成为大察司。亚伦家族备受赐福称为“察司”。
b. 利未家族其他成员被称为“利未人”。他们会在帐幕里或殿里的崇拜协助察司们。

4. 赐给以色列的圣经

a. 圣经是摩西、文士与先知所写的
b. 他们会教导人民如何以孝敬心与上帝联系




《约翰福音 11:49-50》

1. “该亚法,本年做大祭司”

a. 他在履行身为犹太人信仰的首领的角色
b. 他对于如何对付耶稣的评估不一样

2. 他对察司们所说的话并非顺和

a. “你们不知道什么”
b. 他觉得察司们并没有提出很好的答案 《约翰福音 11:47-48》
c. 他提议说耶稣必须替百姓死
d. 好过整个以色列国灭亡,若罗马人决定攻击他们
e. 他们会说出这些话是因为他们害怕耶稣会带领人民起义对抗罗马;而罗马会因此反抗而导致以色列国灭亡。