Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 218

In Loving Defence

Text: John 12: 7-8


Jesus felt the tension among His disciples. They had not understood why Mary poured out her pound of spikenard on Him. He came to her defence swiftly and lovingly.

“But Jesus said, ‘Let her alone; she has kept this for the day of My burial. For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always.’” 

John 12:7-8

1. “But Jesus said”

a. He contradicted the statement of Judas.
b. He rebuked all the disciples for having sided with him.
c. They had failed to comprehend what Mary did.
d. Yet they had so quickly and so harshly rebuked her.
e. And they were guests in her home!

2. “Let her alone”

a. They must cease in their grumbling against her.
b. They had spoken wrongly.
c. They must leave her alone!

3. “She has kept this for the day of My burial”

a. Mary had understood that Jesus would soon die.
b. She had kept this pound of spikenard for Jesus alone.
c. She did not use that when her beloved brother died.
d. She was keeping this pound of spikenard for her beloved Master and Saviour.
e. His own disciples had miserably failed to comprehend and prepare for His death.

4. “For the poor you have with you always”

a. It was good to think of the poor.
b. It is always good to practise almsgiving to the poor.
c. They can always care for the poor… there will always be poor people in the world.

5. “But Me you do not have always”

a. The Disciples had failed to appreciate their Master.
b. Even so close to His death, they had not thought much about His death!

经文:约翰福音 12:7-8



“耶稣说:‘由她吧!她是为我安葬之日存留的。 因为常有穷人和你们同在,只是你们不常有我。’”

《约翰福音 12:7-8》

1. “耶稣说”

a. 衪反驳了犹大的话
b. 祂责备了所有支持犹大的门徒
c. 他们没能理解马利亚的做法
d. 然而,他们却急不可待和严厉地责备她
e. 而且,他们还是来她家做客的!

2. “由她吧”

a. 他们必须停止对她的埋怨
b. 他们错怪了她
c. 他们应当由她去!

3. “她是为我安葬之日存留的”

a. 马利亚已知道耶稣将会死亡
b. 她为了耶稣存留这一斤的真哪哒香膏
c. 当她心爱的兄弟死去时,她也没拿出来用
d. 她为心爱的主与救主存留了这一斤的真哪哒香膏
e. 衪自己的门徒们却在理解上和为衪的死亡做准备上,严重地失败了

4. “因为常有穷人和你们同在”

a. 能够体恤穷人是好的
b. 能够常常救济穷人也是好的
c. 他们可以常常关怀穷人……世上总会有穷人

5. “只是你们不常有我”

a. 门徒们无法好好珍惜他们的主
b. 就算衪的死期已近了,他们还是没有对祂的死亡多加思考!