Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 221

Rejection of an Earlier Attempt to make Jesus King

Text: John 12: 14-15


There was a time when crowds wanted to force Jesus to be their King. But Jesus knew their hearts and understood that they had their own hidden agenda. Jesus withdrew Himself from that multitude (John 6:15).


This time round, Jesus did not walk away from the cries of the people. He accepted their acclaim for this event was a fulfilment of a prophecy.

“Then Jesus, when He had found a young donkey, sat on it; as it is written: ‘Fear not, daughter of Zion; Behold, your King is coming, Sitting on a donkey’s colt.’” 

John 12:14-15

1. The historical successor of king David

a. Solomon was the son who succeeded his father David.
b. He gave instructions that Solomon was to ride on David’s own mule (1 Kings 1:33).

2. “As it is written”

a. John cited an ancient prophecy (Zechariah 9:9).
b. He saw Jesus fulfilling this prophecy.

3. The prophetic text of Zechariah 9:9

a. “Fear not, daughter of Zion”
i. This is a tender reference to Israel.
ii. “Zion” was a symbolic name for “Jerusalem”.
iii. Jerusalem was the spiritual capital of Israel.
iv. This was a special word to Zion not to be gripped by fear of enemies.
b. “Your King is coming”
i. Jesus was indeed the prophesied King.
ii. He would not need to be “forced” to become King.
iii. The time would come when God would announce to Israel that their King had come.
iv. This entry into Jerusalem was that special time when prophecy was actually fulfilled.
c. “Sitting on a donkey’s colt”
i. The colt is the young of a donkey.
ii. The donkey was used symbolically in direct contrast to a mighty war horse.
iii. He was King indeed! But the glory of His majesty would be cloaked in wondrous humility.

经文:约翰福音 12: 14-15


众人曾想要强迫耶稣当他们的王。但是,耶稣知道他们的心思并明白他们有不可告人的动机。因此,耶稣从众人当中撤退了《约翰福音 6:15》。




《约翰福音 12:14-15》


a. 所罗门是继承他的父亲的儿子
b. 大卫指示所罗门得骑着自己的骡子《列王纪上 1:33》

2. “如经上所记的说”

a.约翰记载了一个古老的预言《撒迦利亚书 9:9》

3. 《撒迦利亚书 9:9》里的预言

a. “锡安的民哪,不要惧怕!”
i. 这是在温柔地称呼以色列
ii. “锡安”是“耶路撒冷”象征性的名称
iii. 耶路撒冷是以色列属灵的首都
iv. 这是对锡安特别的话语,要他们无需因为敌人而产生惧怕
b. “你的王……来了”
i. 耶稣的确是预言中的王
ii. 祂不需要被人“强迫”当王
iii. 到时候,上帝会向以色列宣布他们的王来了
iv. 耶稣这次进入耶路撒冷将是应验预言的特别时候
c. “骑着驴驹”
i. 驴驹是年幼的驴
ii. 驴被象征性地与威武的战马成为对比
iii. 祂确实是王!然而,祂尊荣的荣耀将被奇妙的谦卑所遮掩。