Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 228

Following and Serving Jesus

Text: John 12: 26


What a privilege it was to be called to believe in Jesus and to follow Him as His disciples. This call to follow Jesus was not restricted to the Twelve (Luke 9:1), or the Seventy (Luke 10:1). The call to be disciples of Jesus applies to us today.

“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour.”

John 12:26

1. “If anyone serves Me”

a. It begins with believing in Jesus
i. As Saviour.
ii. As Teacher.
iii. As Lord and Master.
b. He who truly believed will also serve Him.
i. It is a natural desire.
ii. It is an expression of a living faith.

2. “Let him follow Me”

a. This is a call to fully follow Jesus.
b. To serve in the same spirit.
c. To serve without fear of suffering or death.

3. “And where I am, My servant will be also”

a. Jesus had committed His Spirit to His Father (Psalm 31:5)
b. He had committed His times in the Father’s hand (Psalm 31:15).
c. The servant of the Lord is assured that God would similarly look after him.
d. And in death, the servant would be in Heaven where Jesus is.

4. “If anyone serves Me”

a. This was the challenge to all disciples.
b. We do not just receive salvation and become children of God.
c. The true child of God will serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

5. “Him My Father will honour”

a. God will honour all who follow Jesus and serve Him.
b. He will bless him with honour.

经文:约翰福音 12:26




《约翰福音 12:26》

1. “若有人服侍我”

a. 首先我们要相信耶稣
i. 相信祂是救主
ii. 相信祂是老师
iii. 相信祂是主和主人
b. 真正相信祂的人也会服侍祂
i. 这是一个自然的意念
ii. 这是一个活跃的信心的表现

2. “就当跟从我”

a. 这是一个完全跟随耶稣的呼召
b. 以同样的精神服侍
c. 不用担心遭受痛苦或死亡的服侍

3. “我在哪里,服侍我的人也要在哪里”

a. 耶稣将祂的灵交在父手里《诗篇 31:5》
b. 祂将祂终身的事交在父手中《诗篇 31:15》
c. 服侍主的仆人也能确信上帝会同样的照顾他
d. 仆人在死亡中也将在耶稣所在的天国

4. “若有人服侍我”

a. 这是对所有门徒的挑战
b. 我们不仅接受救恩,而且成为上帝的儿女
c. 上帝真正的儿女将会服侍主耶稣基督

5. “我父必尊重他”

a. 凡跟随耶稣并服侍祂的人,上帝会赐他荣耀
b. 祂将以荣誉赐福他