Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 234

No End of Doubters

Text: John 12: 34


Jesus had taught nobly. He had spoken of His death bravely. God had spoken from heaven, yet there were many who doubted.

“The people answered Him, ‘We have heard from the law that the Christ remains forever; and how can You say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up?’
Who is this Son of Man?’”

John 12:34

1. “The people answered Him”

a. This word was a challenge to what Jesus had just said.
b. They had understood what Jesus meant when He spoke of being “lifted up”.
c. It was a common idiom to describe “crucifixion”.
d. They wanted to contradict what Jesus had said.

2. “We have heard from the law that the Christ remains forever”

a. The word “law” may be used to describe
i. The teachings of Moses.
ii. The Scriptures as a whole.
b. In this instance it is a general reference to the Scriptures.
i. The prophets spoke of the coming of a Messiah, or “The Christ”.
ii. They spoke of Him as The Eternal One.
iii. Thus He may indeed be described as “the Christ (who) remains forever”.

3. “And how can You say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up’”

a. They were contradicting Jesus.
b. How can the Son of Man be “The Christ?”
c. If the Son of Man would be lifted up and be crucified, how could He be eternal and remain forever?
d. They were smug in their remarks made openly in the hope of finding fault with the sayings of Jesus.

4. “Who is this Son of Man”

a. They had already determined that He could not be the Christ, they reasoned.
b. Who was this “Son of Man” that Jesus used often to describe Himself?
c. The doubters spared no effort to contradict Jesus at every turn.
d. They did not realise just how clearly, they had expressed their ignorance and unbelief!

经文:约翰福音 12:34




1. “众人回答说”

a. 他们挑战耶稣所说的
b. 他们了解耶稣说“被举起来”的意思
c. 这是用来形容“钉十字架”的常见习语
d. 他们要反驳耶稣所说的

2. “我们听见律法上有话说基督是永存的”

a. “律法”这词可用来形容以下事项
i. 摩西的教训
ii. 整本圣经
b. 在这里,“律法”指的是经文
i 先知们谈到了弥赛亚或“基督”的到来

ii. 他们说祂是永存的v


3. “你怎么说人子必须被举起来呢?”

a. 他们提出反对耶稣的意见
b. 人子怎么可能是“基督”?
c. 如果人子被举起来,钉死在十字架上,祂怎么可能是永存的呢?
d. 他们对自己的公开言论沾沾自喜,试图在耶稣的话中挑出毛病

4. “这人子是谁呢?”

a. 他们已断定耶稣不可能是基督
b. 耶稣经常用“人子”描述自己,这究竟是谁呢?
c. 疑惑的人不放弃任何一个可以驳斥耶稣的机会
d. 他们并没意识到自己如何清楚地表现了本身的无知和不信!