Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 257

The Significance of Receiving Jesus

Text: John 13: 20


The significance of receiving or rejecting Jesus had to be understood carefully. It was much more than a hand of friendship that the faithful Disciples had received.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, He who receives whomever I send receives Me, And he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.”

John 13:20

1. “Most assuredly, I say to you”

a. The word “assuredly” may be translated “truly”
b. Jesus was always deeply committed to truth
c. His words were never spoken lightly
d. His word was indeed “pure truth”

2. “He who receives whomever I send receives Me”

a. Jesus had chosen His Disciples
b. He had chosen those whom He would send
c. Judas had been given friendship but he had failed to appreciate Jesus
d. He would not be among those whom Jesus would send
e. The rest of the Disciples would be sent as the Lord’s servants
f. Whoever received them would in fact be receiving the Lord Jesus Christ

3. “And he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me”

a. There was an even more profound truth
b. The person who received the Lord Jesus was in fact receiving God the Father who had sent Jesus
c. This was an astonishing truth that had to be taught


This truth may be understood in another way. What would happen to the person who had rejected the Lord Jesus?

1. Judas had rejected the Lord Jesus

2. The lifting up of the heel against Jesus meant:

a. He had spurned Jesus
b. He had rejected Jesus rudely
c. He had in fact rejected God who had sent Jesus
d. Judas had committed a grave sin

经文:约翰福音 13:20





1.“ 我实实在在地告诉你们”

a. “实实在在”可翻译成“真实”
b. 耶稣向来忠于真理
c. 耶稣说话从不轻言
d. 祂的话确实是“纯正的真理”

2.“ 有人接待我所差遣的,就是接待我”

a. 耶稣拣选了祂的门徒
b. 祂拣选了祂将会差遣的门徒
c. 耶稣将友谊给予犹大,但他并不珍惜耶稣
d. 犹大将不会是耶稣会差遣的其一
e. 耶稣差遣其余的门徒为主的仆人
f. 接待他们的就等于接待主耶稣基督

3.“ 接待我,就是接待那差遣我的”

a. 这是一个更深刻的真理
b. 接待主耶稣的其实就是接待差遣耶稣的父神
c. 这使人惊叹的真理是必须被教训的



1. 犹大拒绝了主耶稣

2. 用脚踢耶稣意味着:

a. 他唾弃了耶稣
b. 他无礼地拒绝了耶稣
c. 他实际上拒绝了差遣耶稣的上帝
d. 犹大犯了重大的罪恶