Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 260

A Gentle Disclosure

Text: John 13: 26-27


All the disciples were concerned about what Jesus said concerning betrayal. Each was a little worried that he might be the one who would ultimately betray Jesus.

“Jesus answered, ‘It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread When I have dipped it.’ And having dipped the bread He gave it To Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, ‘What you do, do quickly.’”

John 13:26-27

1. “Jesus answered”

a. Jesus answered in a gracious and gentle manner
b. He did not stand and expose Judas openly

2. “It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it”

a. It was normal to dip bread into gravy
b. Judas must have sat quite near to Jesus
c. He was close enough for Jesus to pass to him the dipped piece of bread
d. Jesus had been most kind to Judas even on the night of the betrayal

3. “And having dipped the bread He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon”

a. To offer a piece of bread in this manner is symbolic
i. It was a gesture of affection
ii. It was an expression of friendship
iii. It was a genuine last act of friendship shown
b. Judas Iscariot
i. He had been a disciple
ii. He was given the role of “treasurer” for the band of Twelve
iii. This betrayal was deeply shocking
iv. He was going to betray none other than the Son of Man

4. “Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him”

a. Satan was always there lurking around
b. He seized this opportunity to enter into Judas Iscariot

5. “What you do, do quickly”
The time had come for Jesus to be the Passover Lamb. The agony of suffering would commence soon.

经文:约翰福音 13:26-27



““耶稣回答说:‘ 我蘸一点饼给谁,就是谁。’ 耶稣就蘸了一点饼,递给加略人西门的儿子犹大。他吃了以后,撒旦就入了他的心。耶稣便对他说:‘ 你所做的,快做吧!’ ”

《约翰福音 13:26-27》

1. “耶稣回答说”

a. 耶稣以慈爰和温馨的态度回答
b. 衪没有站起来公然地揭露犹大

2. “我蘸一点饼给谁,就是谁。”

a. 在饼上蘸汁是很平常的
b. 犹大应该是坐得相当靠近耶稣
c. 他们之间的距离不大,耶稣可以把蘸了汁的饼递给他
d. 即使在祂被背叛的那一夜,耶稣仍然非常仁慈地对待犹大

3. “耶稣就蘸了一点饼,递给加略人西门的儿子犹大。”

a. 用这种方式递一点饼是有代表性的
i. 这是一种慈爱的表示
ii. 也是一种友谊的表现
iii. 更是最后一次表露真诚友谊的行为
b. 加略人犹大
i. 他是一位门徒
ii. 他被任命为十二人中的“财务师”
iii. 这个背叛是非常惊人的
iv. 他将要背叛的是人子

4. “他吃了以后,撒旦就入了他的心”

a. 撒旦一直都在周围潜伏着
b. 他乘这个机会进入了加略人犹大

