Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 288

Concern For Our Faith

Text: John 14: 29


The Lord Jesus expressed concern for the faith of His disciples. He knew that their faith in Him needed to be strengthened lots more.

“And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.”

John 14:29

1. “And now I have told you before it comes”

a. Jesus foretold His suffering and His death a number of times.
b. There were reasons why He did this:
i. To give them an example of how to face death and suffering.
ii. This was His way of helping His disciples to become stronger in their faith.
iii. When suffering and death are spoken out loud, fears are more easily dealt with.
iv. Jesus showed the Disciples how to trust God even though suffering and death come.

2. The spiritual state of the Disciples of Jesus

a. They had not grown as much as they should have.
b. They had not matured all that much.
c. They had not been fully tested yet.
d. They were learning but they did not know how to convert knowledge into faith.
e. They had to face up to their weaknesses.
f. They needed to grow so much more.

3. “That when it does come to pass, you may believe”

a. The Disciples had to watch how Jesus endured pain and suffering.
b. They had to experience the following:
i. Emotional pain as they watched Jesus suffer and die.
ii. Battling of doubts and feelings of despair.
iii. They had to fight their fears too.
c. “You may believe”
i. A deeper faith may yet emerge.
ii. A stronger understanding as well.
iii. Faith can become very much more real and precious.

We must do everything we can to strengthen our faith so that we can live victoriously.

经文:约翰福音 14:29


对于门徒的信心, 主耶稣表示关心。祂知道他们的信心必须强化。

“现在事情还没有成就,我预先告诉你们, 叫你们到事情成就的时候,就可以信。”

《约翰福音 14:29》

1. “现在事情还没有成就,我预先告诉你们”

a. 耶稣好几次预言祂将受的苦难及死亡
b. 以下是祂这么做的理由:
i. 为门徒树立如何面对死亡和苦难的榜样
ii. 这是祂帮助门徒强化他们的信心的方式
iii. 当我们把苦难和死亡摊开来谈时,我们就能够更轻易的面对恐惧。
iv. 耶稣向门徒展示如何在苦难和死亡降临时信靠上帝

2. 耶稣的门徒的属灵状态

a. 他们并没有在预期内成长
b. 他们并没有变得很成熟
c. 他们还未完全被试探
d. 他们在学习,但不知如何将知识转为信心
e. 他们必须面对他们的软弱
f. 他们必须越加成长


a. 门徒必须目睹耶稣如何承受痛与苦难
b. 他们必须体验以下:
i. 在目睹耶稣受难及死亡时而感受的心理疼痛
ii. 对抗疑惑及绝望的感觉
iii. 他们也必须对抗他们的恐惧
c. “就可以信”
i. 更深的信心或许会涌现
ii. 也包括更深的理解
iii. 信心可以变得更加真实及宝贵
